Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, November 06, 1953, Image 2

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    November 6, 1953
Our own AFROTC cadets had a wonderful esperience last Friday at Olmstead Air
Base in addleton. The boys left in an Air Force bus at 7:00 A.r. and arrived at
the base at 9:30 and were immediately divided into two groups and were shown
the various areas of the base such as: the weather room, control tower, hangars,
link training room and other features.
In the officers club the cadets injoyed a terrific noon meal andthen took
off in groups of eight for flights of an hour and a half. There were four of
these flights and when everyone had his ride the cadets boarded the bus and began
their trip home. They arrived in Hazleton at 7:50 none the worse for their experience
Incidentally, Captain Carper is pleased to announce that there were no cases of
greeness around the gills.
There was a meeting Friday, October 30, in room T-208 1 at 12:25. At this time
officers were elected. They are: Chairman--Shirley Ray, Secretary-Treasury--
Janice Magavich, Publicity and Yembership----Co-chairman--Buddy Robinson and
George Mastrianni.
A tenative list of films was drawn up and a membership drive was discussed.
There will be another meeting on Friday, November 6, in room M-208 at 12:25.
Every one interested in College Arts are invited to attend.
This reporter had the keen pleasure of visiting j incognito, Mr. Cohn's Speech.
classes the past week. And I must say that students in this class pick the wildest
subjects imaginable. A speech using bodilyimotions was the most recent assignmets.
And believe me, they wore motions l!.
John Di Liberio gave — an - actionstory of how to press a shirt with the steam
presser of the type found in a dry cleaning establishment. After that talk we are
convinced John will make a good husband.
Edward Bradley enthusiastically illustrated how to scrub pots and pans in the
deep sink method. ( A favorite chore of Ed's while in Uncle Sam's fighting forces.
Everyone followed with attentiveness as Elaine Ferlco aptly told the class how
to walloaner a room.
Stanley Kushmider had an informative topic--" How to Play Soccer,” John
Lovrinic of in some delightful comedy with "How to Shcve."
Paul Krohn demonstrated how to administer artificial respiration and Gene
O'Neill gave us the scoops on the diffe ont types of fire estinguishens.
Sweet little Lary Ann Kowalick taught the predominately male class how to
operate an electric sewing machine and almost fainted from chills when George
Mastrian explained how to extract the venom from a rattlesnake.
Yc,s, yes, yes friends / if e - rer you :cant to spend an enjoyable morninc_; visit
a live class of nseakers. Mr. Cohn's first period class on Monday and Thursdays
or second period Friday.
The first meeting of the fencing club was really exciting. Some of the
prospective foilests were very amxious to see how far the foil would go through a
I hear that Gene Charney is planning to be a custodian. He was seen helping
MAke" rake up the leaves.
Last Friday we spotted two freshman mountain climbers in the persons of the
lively and vivacions misses junas and Skoff. They were exploring in the back of the
main building when they were abtaked by a giant Garter snake. Lett we saw of them
they were still running.
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