Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, November 06, 1953, Image 1
Vol. XVI No, 6 SOCIAL COMMITTEE COMPLETES SEMI*FORMAL PLANE At the Itst meeting of the socal L;ommittes, plans for the Thanksgivijg Semi-Formal were comOleted s Terry Flynn accepted the chairmanship for the affair, which is scheduled for Hriday j Novethber 20# 19530 Pete Zablocki l wh was in charge of acquiring a hall had proposed the American Legion Hall and the committee approved of it s Brace Hall and Ann will be the entertainers f the evenings STUDENT COUNCIL NEUS AT the regular meeting of the Student Council head on Wednesday, the following social calender, with the exception of the Christmas Ball was app. prdved: 12—Dancing Class 13_o o 11—Christmas Party 7-Dancing Class 14- " " There is no definite date for the All-College Christman Formal, COUNCIL :EP"ES7PTATI72S DISCISS PROBLMS AT OGONT 9 , rONPITErCE Our Senter was represented at the annu2.l Student Government Conference at the Ogontz Penn State Center. in Philadelohia last week by - Student Counci members Pat Tomsho, Ellen Iffert, Jack Donovan and. Norm Hall. Mr. Richard pattern, Faculty Advisor to the Council, accomnanied the representr , tives. Nine Pennsylvania Junior Coggc.:ges and Centers attended the prom:dings, which began on Registration night October 30 and closed at 5:00 P. Y. Saturd Evening, Octob,r 31. Among thc; problcms discussed th(, conf_rcnco 11:2,r,: Social Activiti,s, StucL,nt-F.culty-Studk:;nt Gov,:rnm,„nt.7,d7tions, AthlAic Progrms, Public - tio CommunicTtl..ons, Publicity The ginutcs and r,commcndations of th- conf-r-ncc arc to lcye ar7'.il,d to -) Council to providc; a guidc with a ran; cf idc7s for th- solution of rc probLms. ItSEEI - 1 BLUE" Night lamps bufnL.d la - L this T . IL;k as Pyscology, 7nd Zoology 25. The boys in blue couldn't th board in s-101 1 . which AFAITC el appointcd 7,.rc you boys? , :lho did th, fmcy soap dr , win', on th HargTON COLIEGIIN Feekly Nalslci.ter Euiti_on The Pennsylvania Sat, Collge Center Highacrcs j Hazleton, Pennsylvania . • .• , 1. •.•• . , r r „ 4 blia,:„ books givn in History 2 notic, which they sm on the bl -.ss 6th ipriod. ll You wcrcntt dis— blu. Ford? Did it happen at Ogo November 6,