Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 30, 1953, Image 2
October 30 1 1953 (SOCIAL PLANS CONTINUED 4 Plans were beEun n the Thanksgiving Semi-•F. al. It will be hold On Friday, November 20 1 1953, if a ballroom can be secured for that Eighto If n hall can be obtained then the social emit:At:De will have to decide m a further date, which will frobably be Viednesday, the 25th of November,* The next meeting of the committee will be held on Monday, November 2 to plan and decide on accom:)datinß for the remaining activitiese SORORITY NEWTS The Theta Sigma Pi Sorority sponsored last rites dance in case you didn't kngw. They tr.ed their best to give everyone a g%od time and from what I saw everyone had a good time, There is no other srTority news for this week, so 1 7 11 see you next week, same Sorority, same page, and same reporter and most of all same newsletter. • IWTED A 'gINDOW SHADE I happened to drop in on a Ping Pong 5 class Mmday morning and found that they are in dire need of a wind 7w shade. It seems the nasty old sun blinds our Ping Pong majors during a "blue book" (important game) and causes them to make a zip or bar one. They tried using Paul George is Topcoat, but the button holes arc rather large, so everyno . take a quick look at h - me and see if there is an old shade lying arDund j We wouldn't want any Ping Pong Hajors to got a —1 or —2 on account of the sun* Chippy Chipmunk Hi fellow students, Here's your old friend Chippy Chipmink back with the latest gossip of the week,, Vlbatts this I hear about Harriet. Tulin and her ITtory of Three Loves?" For further format!.on ask. Gecgo Ya , :troianni ! Norm TZall and Cal Shipman B CormlTPrriei :Leave. 50111 f: for the other gi7is -- besides Irca is married, Haw come Paul Zehner suddenly became intaresred in knitting, Can it be his way of thiTuencing some of the girls'? The other day while sitting in the library I heard Carolyn Arlotto asking Johnny lirrwreme if he enjoyed the movie nAll American.'! His reply? What moyie?v Wh9t:s the scoop John? OasanaTm Henney seen to be . Irflueming one of qar freshmen lasses, namel7 Nancy 31YAlv? z , Ham persuasive nail you get, Bob? Why doesn Perm state*nave an art class? This seems to be the most frequent comtaa:i,nt of the freshman lasses of Mr. Kreckerts Political Science class, It isn'tt, a:lwaays that we see freshmnn girls distributing blue and white ribbons to the freshmen engineers i however, such was the ease when Jean Platt supplied all the freshmen box with ribbon for freshman week, Now, Jean thatzs not the way to gain. patmts e L. sophomLre girl with the initials H. 14, 3 1, has troubles galore during the Thursday night dancing classes,‘ She claims she is completely ignored by two of the Bost dancers at Highacres 7 namely Cal Shipman and Norm Hall., Come on fellas i , gi7e a gaa a, breaki ile other day . I heard Ellen iffert remark how quiet Mary Bissol was in High Shool o How coma the drastic change r Piary What makes George Mastroianni tongue—tied when he plays songs for HAZ LET ON CTIM ==l PAGE 2