Vol. XVI. No, 5 STUDENT COUNCIL The stu&nt.faculty board approvA, the following budget for the ensuing year: 3000,00 The boards also consented to dancing class which will be held Thursday nights. MUsic'tiil be furnished by a record player* At the zleeting of Student Council plans were.nade for five or six members of council to attend the Intra-Council Conference at Ogontz, Friday and Saturday s October 30 and 31. Social CommittoL The - Social Committce had its first meeting, Tuesday, Octoh:,r 20th„ Plans were made for various dances and activities which will be hold in the near futurc,-. On October 29th the usual ThurSday night dance will be sponsored by the Theta Sigma Pi sorority. Harriet Tulin will act as chairman of the dance. All stts attending arc requested to wear dungarios or o'verhalls in order that tho Hallo con mood might be acquired. A Somi-forMal dance, which will be held in late November will have the following committee: 1. George Hastrian - Entertainment Lillian Junfts , Refreshm,: - mt 3- - * Joan Haegllo:., Decorations 44 Nto ZablOCki - - Obtaining a ball-room. ;Acalander of social events for the year was presented by the cibmmittee. CO 7 .chairMan of the social committee are Norm Hall and Jack Donovan. Terry Flynn vab appointed Secretary of the group. EDITOMII, ITUNK YOU The staff and readers of the Collegian would like to thank Rov Q Richard 11 4 , Rutter, Pastor of the Christ Lutheran Church of C onyngham, for the use of his mimeograph machine Through his' cooperation s the f irs t three issues of the paper were made pos s ible e The canter's mimeographing apparatus ms out for repairs for the past few weeks and without Rev,„ Rutterls machine the staff 'Would have had to print the Collegian with pen and ink„ To ReVerand Rutter we say / nThank yoUV Attention oil students: Our faculty advisors arc now in possossion of your four vock warnings,: It is important that. you sic your advisor as soon as possiblo, =LET ON O OLLEGIAN ekly yews :Lotto r Edition The Pc nns ylvtinia Strlte CoUogo Center Woments Club $ 125,00 Comunity Chorus 65.00 Collcgo Arts Society Basketball Intranurals (Including gcncing) Hazleton Collegian 90000 i Us cc 11n.ne ()us 17000 $1600,,00 Social Activiticsl4oo,oo 150„00 21540 G 85 00 Octobor 23, 1953