October 8., 1 953 AFROTC Scrapbook continued The follows assembling the masterpeice are *. Jack Talaskie, Matthsw Golatha and George iiastrian., The book will be completed on Monday, Anyone interested in looking it over is welcome do do so® Bookstore News Spanish X students arc anxiously awaiting the text books to arrive# P' yourself in the place of Hiss Brennan who has to look into “empty- Spanish : Jerry Root thinks the book store should sell ping-pong balls. That's : sure • TJhat happened to the sweat shirts that were displayed in the window ? seems that the Freshmen girls interest in them has disappeared as quickly a: shirts have, It looks like the main bulletin board belongs to the book store. Late arrivals must be keeping the clerks busy, What's Your Hobby ? fhis is your cub reporter saying Hello to you for the first time. Unde the scrutiny of my private eye I discovered that some of the students have hobbies„ Evelyn Tomasko spends her spare moments writing letters to Penn D tate Campus, To whom Evelyn ? John Lovrinic enjoys sleeping. Energetic lad l Lillian Junes, the all around girl, prefers photography but the girls a appreciate her harmonica playing in the girl's lounge, * Harriet Sulin spends her spare time knitting argylo socks* Ask Manny Rarbeito, he's an authority on the matters Shirley Ray, befitting her character is interacted in historical novels Lois Miller- Enjoys and plays classic music, (L o ng hair that is,,) John Laworcnce is sharpening up his track shoes' in the pursuit of his hobby, namely chasing women, (Girls don't play hard to get,) Another lass, Virginia Muscavitch likes hot-licks on the sax c (Crazy ma: crazy s) Paul George. a General Science students, has an interesting hobby* He to work with chemicals,-. (Beware, He ■'3 a dangerous man,) Perhaps for the next edition I will be fortunate ■unique hobbies of some other students« So until then hob dying <, Chippy Chipmunk Chippy Chipmuck with his bright little eyes,, 31* always ready and eager to j;py, On all the students passing by# Chippy Chipmuck with sharp pointed cqrs, Is over hand to overhear ■Whatever the students say, that's clear* Chippy Chipmunk with tattling t ngue,' Reports what's thought, said, or dine, By you, and me and everyone# So student's when y u gossip, beware, Because Chippy Chipmunk might be there# Believe it r Not 0 A new specimen found it's home in the "Zoo .Lab", a shrew* (we think.) For sale, cheap, tickets"to Ebbetts Field for the 1954 World Series, Order now 1 Avoid the rush l A Poem ?????? Look a£ that auto l It is the most. To it’s splendor we must drink a toast. HOUSTON COLUCGIAK enough to toodlc-oo gadgets galore,seats soft ai rrow • You guessed what it is, MR,I Page 3 uncover the and happy