Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 02, 1953, Image 4
is 3 C-arbrick, tks.s sc.-iestor, is r^akin; Y. ,r :o arc not enrolled in c. v-ttisic course to an &•>• >reelation of music. this by setting aside the sth periods, honday, each reel: for the oumooc of listening to records, Perhaps none of you, though not presently interested in music, irould like to broaden your kno'.7lec’;-;e in this field* So don't forget , sth periods, -’onday, Tuesday, and Thursday is tho time to do so. veryonc io always Interested in something non, so here arc viexis of .Imsltßn about a new experience, college. - The fibst v/eek scored to bo nothin;: but tests, tests, and tests. he -wore tested for everything from hangnails to -/nether ye liked blue suits or broim* Between all these tests ue slowly began to know about the rules and regulations through the many intaresting lectures* The most amassing thing about all this yan too fact that it was so well Organiaed* No waiting for tests or lectures) oven registration was handled quickly and efficiently 4 'it h all this concentration and -"e mr:berin;.;,nost of us ye re a little tco ;ith facts and. rales cone Friday* Perhaps it wasn't too trying, but it sconce’ to ae that I had forgotten what most of the lectures were about# But someone had even thought about our poor, tired aching heads , -for when Tuesday rolled around, and we wore in the midst of the first week of the straggle, hher x/as fun and relaxation to be had at a nicnic, uefroshnents and all the trio; dngs of an old ''ashioned picnic './ore supplied with plenty of time for tho games afterwards * • If anything helped, to got evorono set for the last batch of tests, that did# •one rrc. ■•0 a."ter one larrt Ion;;; v.'ce!:-cnd ve rre:-e cot for tic bif urdcrta]c:'.rr;* I'n euro all of ua -..•eve an interned about tie collcrc as anyone could bo, arid ore- oared to start ri sjocjs The status-qro of Center's only intercollegiate g 'ort—Basketball— fill definitely be settled vhe Student Council convenes early norct month* is in the past, Student Council will decide -whether to retain this s >ort at Tiazicton avid also be confronted v;ith the oroblcn of selecting a successor to frank Antinorssi, v/ho is nov; tcacainc in hew Jersey, Several informal chats and interviews were held this oast woek \dth various this subject, an.; this reporter uas surprised at the eu - snort the student body, to make the continuance of Basketball here at individuals on botm planned u the center a reality . s rospccvC or une season seen vex';" encouraging, and ?/ould .'fiako any coachds ulcer® "declare a holiday"» -/eterans ."row last year's squad arc Horn lall, bill .Farcin, Jl:a I‘obrick Jin Ore is in-, Clint ..-'rank and 3d hvancho. All agree that the onrollisont of such promising n ’.aterial as Fobby ioyle, 3t. .inn's scoring accj ro.;i tanrence, .Test John Bolcbin and Carl taoinisky, j'aalctonnahipj s.vii- _ou.>c_- oaskotball notaolcs nill definitely riake 'azleton Center a ton threat i~ the Junior Collage Basketball circuit. The cry "This Is Our Icar{ " already e-srdng i'ro- t -e lips of the Student body and alumni, vdth the hope >io"!uirip tear', dangling ever so near, -lore can be said as to the status o" basketball until the future Student Council, but this reporter Trill endeavor to bring all ate rial to you in the conning issues of the oaner a c ’i. lot rack lC O. kb in Y;ithout trouble* it possible for those students Tuesday, and She is rvursday of