Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 02, 1953, Image 3

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Last le.dnsday in S-101 The Theta Sigma Pi Sorority held its first meeting
of the fall semester. All Sophomore and Freshmen girls attended and viewed
the films of the Spring May Crowning which imve shown by Mr,' M.E, Campbell,
Dossenbach, the new Dean of Women, and Mary Donish took charge ox the nominations
for the new officers,
A committee composed of several Sophomore members then announced the informal
initiation of the pledges—if you haven't noticed the center's own Annie Oaklies—
1, three pigtails
2, one apron*-- on backwards
3, one earing
I|., one name tag—pinned on the front
3, one stocking and one sock
Most of the pleges have been good sports about this part of their iniation and
we must say that we are sure all have enjoyed this part.
The pledges will become full pledger members following the formal iniation
which took place last night at the Highacres,
The latest news is the results of the election held on Fridays
Pres,- Harriet Tulin
V. Pres,- Nancy Maue
oec,- Jean Haegele
Treas- Margie Brehm
We are sure the incoming officers with the cooperation of Miss Dossenbauh and
the other members of the soroity will do all in their power to make this an
eventful year.
If you thought you saw a girl coming toward you, these past few days, but
who seemed to be going away from you, we hope you didn't think your mind was
going off the blinks. It was only a freshman dressed a little backwards. This
week the Sophomores were initiation the newcomers into the Theta Sigma Phi
Sorority, It took the "Sophs'* to think of making the Frosh coeds wear an apron
backwards, one earing, one stocking and one sock, braided hair or straight bangs
and an 8f xll name sign pinned to their collars.
As Jackie Cohn and Carolyn Arlotto walked off the bus on Monday morning,
two wide-eyed males thought they saw Pocahontus and Little Miss Muffet, while
Nancy Maue could have passed £or "Daisy Mae'J. If the men's fraternity would
have coincided with the girls * initiation, we might have had a "Lil Abner", Take
a hint men i
Even thought it was a little annoying, the freshmen girls took the comments
and razzes as good sports would.
. lG3t , ond^ r «vcnia;. ' lies fax-brick and 'hr. ./ard r ;avo a -oro-van 0
•f^r 0 .' -r 1 - '°- Sc /r c l of J'- lC col '- c "° ,s fidelity sound eauioment,
5 °? tober ***& °’dock, there -vill be another nro-ran of this
k„nc. in 0.,0 i.TLi.eic room. All students are cordially invited to attend*
- ~n J h “ 42‘l ? a Ci Cho r G i directod "iso Pearl Qarbrick, got off to
a u ooc s„art Tuesday evening, September 22, idth a turnout o** IIJl l J nirions
. *ve , : o,it»r* are ejected to Jtfn the chorls in the n®r? Petals
S WU TMS iS S “ d
University 0 ien at their ° f