Hay 15, 1953 BELIEVE IT OR NOT (continued) Mr# Mattom asked Marvin Edelstein if- he was raising his hand. Marvin re plied, "No sir, I'm only exercising my fingers." Marvin, there is an athletic field. Mary Bissol has proclaimed "Bfe Kind to Mary Day." Docs this have anything to do with you women beaters? Jinny Kobrick has asked Captain Carper if he may have permission to wear roller skates in the parade on Saturday. There ?/erc- no girls in Miss Dißubbo's Spanish class jresterday. (I wonder where they went with their bathing suits.) STAFF THIS ISSUE: Editor-—Joe Bclovich -.ssn't, Ed.—John llisoda Production Hgn'r.—Mabel Lewis Exchanges—Mary Donish REPORTERS Beverly ¥izdo Sally Rarich Harriet Tulin Mary Bissol Jane Tressler Jean Haegelo ***LdST MINUTE NEBS##* CONVOCATION TICKETS All Highacros students—.freshmon and sophomores—who wish to attend the Annual Convocation Dinner on May 28 should drop into the bookstore nert week— IBth-22nd—to pick u the free ticket to which they are entitled. Each student will get one free ticket from Sylvia* If a student w ishes to bring additional guests a ticket must be purchased per each additional. Price of these tickets will be posted next week. A fell coverage of convocation, time, place, and run down of the program will bo published in next week's COLLEGIAN. ATTENTION -ILL SAC MEMBEHS The Student Social Activity Committee will have a special meeting in which all its members are to attend, At 12 $.50 in room 208. The final arrangements for the graduating ceremonies— convocation—will be on the agenda and must be dealt with immediately* Committee attendance is imperative. R. 0. T, C. FRRSSI-’TAT lONS Thursday afternoon, at common hour, the Hazleton Undergraduate Center's ROTC Training Corp passed in review before Captain Carper and the cadet staff prior to the presentation of special award to outstanding cadets. Cadet Major James Ustynoski, West Hazleton sophomore enrolled in Letters, was awarded Outstanding Cadet Medal by Captain Carper for his,,, »Outstanding executive performance as a committee chairman and his ability to maintain constructing relations with other student groups have been noteworthy. His leadership ability, military aptitude, attention to duty and academic courses HAJSLStfON COLLEGIAN Pat Torasho Janice Magavich George Llastroianni Norm Hall Nick Skimbo Joe Andrews -_rts &