Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, May 15, 1953, Image 3

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    ZOMBIE'S? ? (continued)
A Pause
The lips of the clamy figure begin to move, and a faintly audible murmur
could bo hoard above the scuffle of the slowly walking procession.
"It was worth it," whispered the voice.
"What was worth it? Will wc ever find out what this is all about?"
The poor chap.'s hand reached through his jacket and removed something that
had been pinned to his shirt pocket. He waves it past our eyes and wo offer to
relieve him of the weight, but he clutches the object to his breast.
Vfc strain our eyes and see a small golden pin trimmed with a bright red
object on its end. The object has a white cross placed in the center. The pin
is upside down; we can't make out exactly what it is. Lot 's turn our heads and
see-—Oh, it looks like a drop of something—Yes, now wc can see; it's a drop of
"A drop of blood," we exclaim'.
The gaunt face forces a thin smile and looks at the pin with an expression
of acknowledgement. The figure lifts one arm and points to the inside of his
elbow with the other hand*
"From here," he says Yjeakly.
Wc arc actually speaking to a real, live bolld donor who has bared his arm
fearlessly for an unsurpassable cause.
(The precceding interview was slightly exaggerated; bloodless Joe Andrews,
our interviewee, was in perfect condition after he downed the 5 donuts and 3
cups of coffee—the reward for his donation.)
As a matter of fact, the Hazleton Chapter of the American Rod Cross was
happy to announce that after the group from Highacros visited St. Joseph's last
Tuesday, they had set a Hazleton record for the number of pints of blood collected
at any one time. The total number of pints was 188,
The group that donated the blood was dominated by the AFROTC cadets, who
received public aclaim for their deed over radio and in the newspaper, but there
were a few civilians in the group including s omc faculty members and some
freshmen lassies*
The entire list of donors is as follows;
Nicholas Yankoski, Carl Bysura, George Mastroianni, Anthony Hash, Gale
Gregory, Eugene Charney, Edward Eisimingcr, Thomas Scott, Frank Smida, Larry
Sydlo, Joseph Birt, Eugene O’Neill, Stanley Hiller, Hugh McGcehan, John Henderson,
Raymond Schultz, Nick Pelick, Gilbert Ward, Leah Kostonbaudcr, Sylvia Williams,
Nicholas Yanuzzi, Michael Histiszyn, Earl Dittbrcnnor, Robert Tomsho, William Coll,
William Morse, Joseph Prokop, John Crofcheck, Y/illiam Kurdziel, Andre Diaz,
Thomas Onderko, Harold Michael, Anthony Pccone, Marvin Edclstein, Robert Stauffer,
Gapt. Walter Carper, James Ustynoski, Joseph Andrews, Mary Donish, Joseph Thomp
son, George Kobrick, John Lovrinic, Sally Rarich, John Carr, Robert Tracy, and
Paul Kisatsky*
Everyone has recovered completely from their patriotic experience and every
one has been asking when the next date will be set in order to give blood again.
One can rest assured Mrs. Kostonbaudcr will let us know in’plenty of time.
It's such a beautiful morning. I was walking over to class this morning and
I saw Nick Dobrovolsky sitting on the bench studying his history* Really, Nick,
It's too beautiful to study l
I walked into the dining commons and saw Pundi Turnback and Jim Kobrick
looking over their verbs for French. They always have a running conversation in
On Tuesday afternoon I was engaged in a water battle on the front lawn.