Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, March 20, 1953, Image 1

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    Vol. XV, No* 20
Mr. Kostos, Assistant Administrative Head at Highacres, lias announced that
there mill be a meeting of all commerce students and people interested in taking
the commerce course on Friday, March 27j at 12:2!? in S-101* The purpose of tne
meeting will be to discuss the new business curriculum which will go into of 'cct
in the 1953 fall semester.
Mid—semester grades will be available from your advisors on March 31.
COKE AND GET IT. Refund checks for first semester students arc now available
in the Main Office*
The Main Office is trying to arrange a schedule for meeting on Wednesday’s
and Friday's free periods* It is thinking of giving each organization an equal
amount of periods. Watch for further news*
Monday will be your last chance to purchase tickets for tnc annual Dream
Game. The Mountain Lions, making their last showing of the season, will feature
Big Bill Burcin, our chief defensive manj Mighty Mike Uistiszyn, who manages
to score in double figures; Joltin' Joe Scarcella, the expert, on lon- snots;
Jim Kobrick, who always plays an impressive game; Eddie Evancho, the pride_of
Frcclandj Jimmy Gricsing, back in the line-up after a broken ankle; Clint Frank,
"Old Faithful", who has shone in all previous events; and the newest and origntest
addition to our leather-tossors, Norm' Hall. Norm, product and find of the dorm
boys, joined the Lions late in their tasks, but thus far Norm has proved himself
a scoring sensation.
Our Highacres team viill combine their talent under Coach Frank
against the mighty Albright Freshman quintet in the St. Joseph's Gymnasium this
coming Monday, March 16.
Tickets arc avialablc in the Main Office; come and cheer your team on to
The Mountain Lions promise us that with your support they will oow out ol
the 1952-53 basketball season with this final victory under their bolts.
Mr. Peightal, faculty advisor in charge of student athletics, has reported
that the wrestling program which he had been in the process of organizing has
been regretfully cancelled*
Mr. Peightal, an ardent devotee of this muscle-and balance-building sport,
hesitated to cancel the sport because he felt Highacres students were very enthus
iastic about learning some of the finer points of wrestling. One of the main
reasons for the cancellation was the inability to secure a gymnasium with suffi
cient mats in which to practice.
However, this does not mean the end of wrestling at Highacres. If sufficient
students—next semester—desire to participate in wrestling, Mr. Peightal promises
to do all in his power to put wrestling back on the athletic calendar.
The crack-of-the-bat, roar of the crowd, and the peanut vendor hawking his
wares, all bring to mind America's favorite sport baseball. Here at Highacres
we won't have the peanut vendor, and probably not the cowd, but you can bet
your bottom dollar that we'll have the sound of that crack-of-the-bat. (And I
don't mean a. broken bat).
Weekly Newsletter Edition
The Pennsylvania State College Center
March 20, 1953