March 6, 1 953 COLLEGIAN STAFF APPOINTED Joe Belovich has been appointed to serve as managing editor of THE COLIIEGIaN newspaper staff for the spring semester# Joe, who hails from Nosquehoning, is a fourth semester student in the pre-medical curriculum. As assistant managing editor, John Misoda is sure to fill the bill. Another native of Nowquehoning, John is a second semester student enrolled in mechanical engineering# Mabel Lewis has been officially appointed production manager* This second semester fres.uian is from Muhlonburg * She is majoring in business education* Looks like there is a promising future ahead for THE COLLEGIAN* The staff requested their adviser, Mr» W* R* Grubbs, to make the appointments# CAMPUS 1 CHATIER T "By ” CHIPPY CHIPMUNK" Hollo friends, here I am again with a little news of your follow students —- perhaps about youi The latest addition to Highacres is Ralph Sirota, a commuter from Kingston who appeared on our .ampus last week# Yfelcome to our happy family Ralph-—hope to be hearing about you* The happy atmosphere of our dormitory is due in part (we hear) to the voice of Stan Miller. His chemistry lab friends have given him the title "Had Scientist", and from what I have observed he is quite a whiz with a ping-pong paddle, Senor Anthony Pecone seems to be the one who is keeping Scnorita Di Rubbo up at night—with his never-ending stream of questions in her Spanish class. What would Phy* Sci. 8 class do without the assistance of George Mastroianni and Norm Hall?- They the best movie projectionists Mr. Mattcrn has ever had. So long for now, but hone to be hearing from you soon, * "Chippy Chipmunk" STAFF THIS ISSUE: John Misoda Pat Tomsho Janice Magavich Nick Skimbo Joe Bclovich Jane Tressler HAZIETGN COLLEGIAN Harriet Tulin Chippy Chipmunk Sally Rarich Mary Donish Mabel Lewis—Production Page it