December 12, I?s^ r nwnhiliiiii mu iwfli r i. PARNASSUS Parnassus has decided from the list of students who are to be “tapped 1 * as pledges to the society* In order to be a pledge, a student must have a scholastic average of i.B and five honor points, which are acquired by active participation in college clubs and offices* These pledges are not yet known to the student body, and they will not be known until the Parnassus Invitation Committee sends invitations to the eligible students* This society has also decided to hold its first social function* This affair, to be held in January, will probably be a dinner featuring a guest speaker* Joyful News, if you don’t have any---Twelve week failure grades will be announced soon* FRATERNITY BROTHER CONVALESCING OVER THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS When most of you will be home enjoying the Yule-Tide festivities, “Manny* ll Neff, whom you all know, will likely be Spending his Christmas minus all the candy and sweets associated with Christmas# He has just been discharged from a hospital where he was treated for diabetes* At the presnot time he is convalesc ing at his home in Scranton# Although he cannot participate in any of your Christmas celebrations, let’s show him that our thoughts are with him* Drop him a card, wish him a speedy recovery, and extend to him that much needed Christmas spirit# Address those cards tos Malcolm Neff Monroe Ave* Scranton, Pa* AFROTC BALL The following announcement is made by the AFROTC Military Ball Committee s 1# The Ball is to be held Jan# 10, 1953 from, 9 p* m* till la. m# 2# The Military Ball Queen will be selected from photographs submitted by cadets» .The only way to have your B ’date n compete is to submit a photograph* These 1 photographs will be mailed to AFROTC HEADQUARTERS' ON THE MAIN CAIPUS, and a committee there will select the three finalists* From there finalists for the Queen of the Military Ball will be chosen AT Tig BALL by a panel of three judges* The Queen and both runners-up will be presented with flowers and 'gifts * The program will include dancing, a grand march, crowning of the queen, student entertainment, and breakfast served after midnight* Cadets are expected to attend# If Mate 11 present a problem, see John Henderson, who has a long list of available dates# However, * women are not essential# (Ed# Note—How naive can you be?) Corsages are traditional at Military Balls held on this campus* Cadets will wear AFROTC Uniform in tt Class A 1 * 1 with white shirt and black bow tie# CHIPPY CHATTER BY THE COMPOS CHIPMUNK Two hops and a jump brought pe into the most popular room on the campus (none other than the main lounge,) As I perched behind the centerpiece I' heard Pat Tomsho and Mabel Lewis admiring the centerpiece donated by Mr, Campbell to the Theta Sigma Pi Sorority for their tea, It seems as though a little girl by the name of Pat Tonsho is searching for a glove o Should you find it on your daily adventures to your classes you know whose hand belongs in it, For a change of scenery I hopped to one of the English Comp classes HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Page 3