NovLber 21, 2.95 i .01.00 4.111.4 - 0.0.1. Ye AIM 00.110.0010.0..• olo*Oplig wo. ow, M. 16 r- STUDENT ATHLETIC COMEITTEE Preston Peightal, advisor to the Student Athletic Committee, called this committee to a meeting on November 18, 195 2 in order to schedule and draw up the rules for the forthcoming athletic evants. This committee consisting of Six members—Richard Schrooder, Tom Onderko, Nick Shimbo, Jim Elliott, Tony DoToma and Joe Bolovich-- each assumed the chairman positions for on of the various events. Richard Schraodor will handle the boiling games which will begin sometime soon. Jim Elliott was appointed as chairman of the intra mural basketball board. He will soon post notices relating to the time and place these events will occur, Nick Skinibo mill assume his role as chairman of the ping-pong events. Tom Ondorl:o will handle all the publicity of the various games and servo as one of the judges on the Athletic Com::ittoo, Mr, PoightaLkril the Athletic Com .it too wish to inform all students interost44 in pingpong to watch for the notice instructing thorn how to enroll' for the tournament, Both boys and girls singles amd doubles are plannod. Josyph Erarfnolli and Tony Throne will got together this week with rich akimbo to work on the schodule, rules, and officiation of tho tournament. Also, those who wish to enter. teams in the intra-mural basket ball tournament will contact Jim Elliott as soon as possible. Rosters of the various teams must be in Peightalls office before the season can officially begin. A deadline date for the entrance of team rosters will be in ne7:t weohts COLLEGIAN. Mr. Peightal stresses the fact that this Athletic Committee may be enlarged as various events take place. Those interested in any of the intra—mural sports (basketball, bolding, ping—pong, archery, and softball) may contact one of the members of the Athletic Committee. ATTENTION ATELETIC 1 , 01BERS: The next mooting of the Athletic Caulittce mill be hold in 112. Peightalts office shortly after the Thanhsgiving Noliday, The date 'will be announced. BROTHERS OF THE BRUSH Have you noticed any boarded men around our college lately? If so this article is to assure you that they are not ape men but Brothers of the Brush. Their motto is "Savo a Day Plus $10.00." Their officers .are: Pres.---Joe Prokop " Steve knval:oes • • V; Preni,a.&....- . Sec.---Nary Hasara Lisatsky . They believe heavily bearded men could save time and money by growing a board for some length of time and dispensing with the pro cess of shaving. By not shaving you gain the following: 35 minutes a week; 2 hours and 20 minutes a month; 28 hours a year; and $lO.OO a year spent on articles for this process. So if you believe in saving, see a Brother of the Brush for further information. EIR LARTO TO TALE las LUNG() IS PLACE English Composition 0 • cla .9;3 as lierc resumed lionday Novomber 17 when Hr. Wilson L. Rarto took over Mrs. Nary Longo 's position as English Composition 0 instructor. Mr. Dart° is a graduate of Weatherly Hidh School and of Penn S ta cc where he na j ored in j ournali sm. At present he is a reporter photographer on the Standard-Sontinal and servos also as assistant city editor. HAZLET ON COLLEGIAN N»......_4. ow op* u • Oto 1011-reo evoillor4 Page 2