Vol. XV, No. 7 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED; SEASON OPENS DECEMBER 13ALT 4 Preston Peightal, faculty manager of athletics at the Center, has released the .195243 Mountain Lion basketball schedule. The tvilave.game schedule is slated to open Saturday, December 13 at Waynesboro against Penn StateBs Mont Alto forestry school. According to latest reports, the conflict in date with the Christmas Ball has been solved. The two games scheduled for Friday, February 13 and Saturday, February 14 are parts ofdoubleheaders. For Fridays game the Mountain Lions mill go to Altoona to:play Johnstown Pitt Center. In the other half of that double-header, Altoona will be pitted against a fourth team. Saturday the Lions will play Altoona:at Johnstown, and Johnstown will see action with the fourth team* Following is the schedule. Intramural games will be staged before the varsity games. Saturday, December 13 Wednesday, January 7 Friday, January 9 Wednesday, January 14 Friday, January 16 Wednesday, February 4 Saturday, February 7 Friday, February 13 Saturday February 14 Wednesday, February 18 Friday, February 20 Satutday, February 28 PRACTICE SESSIONS UNDERWAY MIT NEW COACH, FRANK ANTINOZZI Last night at St. Joseph's Gymnasium the now Mountain Lions coached by their now coach, Frank Antinozzi, scrimmaged with St. Gabriols cagers. Results are purely unofficial and not for publication. But the scrimmage punctuated a long series of practice sessions that started November 12 at the A. D. Thomas gymnasium for the 16 mon out for the varsity at present. Candidates who have boon out so far are as follows: Richard Yevak, Larry Roman, Donald Krentz, Clinton Frank, James Ustynoski, William Coll, George Kobrick, James Damenti, Joseph Mandour, Cyril Carrot, Peter Kerutis, Sherman Joseph, James Bcrish, William Sarkas„ Victor Pituch, and Daniel Postupack. The squad is expected to be enlarged considerably by a group of dormitory men who have responded to a call for additional players. Coach Antinezzi has urged that all Highacres men tryout for the squad. 4i, num, her of other teamsin the League are staffed by players with no high school experience. DATE OF CHRISTI US BALL DEFINITE: FRIDAY, DECKIBER 12 Student Council president Andrew Karpinski has confirmed the shift of the date for the Christmas Ball to Friday, December 12. The move was necessitated by the scheduling of aP.J.C.A.A. League basketball game with :Tont Alto atiffaynesboro on December 13. Council felt that keeping the ball to this date would be unfair to the hardworking basketoers. Four Councilmon to Moot with Representatives from 16 Othor Junior Colleges Councilmen Andrew Karpinski, Dorothy Kosack, Pat Tomsho l and F.,ank Saida, with adviser J. Richard Nattern, left this morning at 9:00 for the state inter-counci: conference, involving 17 junior colleges in Pennsylvania, at Altoona ccAltnr_ HAZLE!DON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State College Center Highat,res., Hazietori s ,, Pe nns ylvania Mt, Alto at Waynesboro Hershey Junior College at Hershey Pitt Center (Johnstown) at Hazleton Keystone Junior College at Hazleton Mt. Alto at Hazleton Hershey at Hazleton York Junior College at Hazleton Johnstown. Pitt at Altoona Altoona at Johnstown Keystone Junior College at LaPlume Altoona at Hazleton York at York tee tt ktstots\s\x :rix,Vratir nit. I 4t, " ; .) DiCriAlitell 1., 1.952 4 4 0 . ‘ \\Y*44 4A, 4st ' 4 iN t Ns, •tr I ) .. 1-4\ , 4 1 Iit§EVING = * 77 .43 - E ch>tA ,VP' , ..0 lONT 1 S.I.TURD, 4 --.17- ---
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