Vol. " - k* , do. 6 FACULTY ,MIIENIS -111 D 77Ivrs DIZIM Fat T:M=TA SIG:IA PI The faculty - I . :omen and wives 'AU hold a dinner for the Thola Sigma Pi, lamas Club s this evening at 5:30 in - she colloe dining rooms SATIP.TIa s JAHUZI:7 10, IS TM H 1 The ao:r.c. Ball. Committee hap announced this new date. January 10, vas chosen so that R.O.T.C, students who will transfer to the main campus next semester grill hove at least one ball to remember their 2.0.T.C. classes at Highacres. This 11111 not be an all—college affair, the connittee stated, but it 411 be open only to those students taking 1.0.T.C. Because t'ae Trill be held at a later date than proposed ' the Student Council has voted upon a Christman Ball and has scheduled it for Saturday" 13th of December. This pill be a somi-formal affair as well as an all college affair. The Student Council hones that a large majority of the students Trill attend this annual affair, because it is conducting these dances for everybody not only a row. DEAF tS LIST OD nr,:a Howan ANNOUNCED FOR "711) TMT":7, Clark G. Fiester, sophomore mechanical ensineerins student or Berwick, topped the 'leant's List for mid semester with a srade average of 2.85. The list of three students those overall subject averase was 2.50 or above as announced Thursday ' by Assistant .:dministrative Head 2rank Restos. 2allh I, Whitler, first semester student s arts and letters major. of Freeland TJas second with 26 . 82. Third with an averae of 2.62 vas James 0, Dcrish,third semester electrical engineering student of "Jest Hazleton. The 33 students who achieved avera - ;es between 2.00 and 2. 50 - .:ore c ,- -::ncded by 71". Kostos one their names announced on a near honors list. Their names are as follows; John :iscd.a. Donald '':foldon. Patricia Tomsho, Joseph Dirt, Dcverl.7,r Joseph 3elovich s Dorothy . ::osacic, John. Taluslcie, John 1304 e, Jean 7.raeccle, Thomas Scotty John Sharkowicz o Jane 'Pressler. C OTZT: .1 1 2.; i T.E1,:%5147.;1".1. 1 PZ 7l l' I 01•! The Pennaylvania estate: College Center iii:;haeres, "[az:Lc:ton, s:4-an4.a ,ETON• - '- .. 4......,...... , •-. . A b -... le . -- '‘> eo-. , '1 if 4 664, ,, „ >.,. . 7 (0 4 7 9rabor 11:1,, -3 _o --. Nirr4 t , zi • 4- 1 )1.,1
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