Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, November 07, 1952, Image 1
XIT No. 111.111.1110,10411..0 OOP MI SMOn .ENVELOPS ON DURING/72,21: Clouds of smoLe caused by forest fires throughout the nation laY heavily over this region during the past week, At tines the valley was obscured from view. Because of the tinder-dry wooded area surrounding the Center, if butts and matches are not placed in the fireproof containers provided, there will be no Highacres someday--only smoke and a heap of stones, LLOWEEN PARTY A SUCCESS "A good time was had by all" is being heard all overthe cam pus this week. That statement refers to the all-college Hallo Ween Party held last Friday evening. Refreshments were in tune with the season, and dancing and games were enjoyed by all. The special treat of the evening was the ap - nearance of a "mystery lady" who later turned out 'to be none other than Tony. Nash. Tonyls costume kept both students and faculty guessing all evening. When the last song was played by the orchestra, the out-standing comment was, "I can't wait until the next party. How aboUt you?" CORRECTION The article in last week's edition concerning the three German students contained a slight error. The students were not from Bonor as stated, The full names of our visitorsare--Mes3rs, Bonor Reudenbach, Dussoldorf:sativaGes and Hans Schraeimeyer, HAVE YOU: Met a Martian? )( Pulled a three in the. Chem test? Lost money on the - election? Received draft notice? Solved the parking situation? Any new ideas to improve Highacres? Let us know.-IT'S NEWS; NEW EITTERTAINIENT The ping-pong table which has just been constructed seems to be the main topic of conversation this week. It provideB something to do other than study during the sandwich hours. This is a definite step toward improving our game room. Appearance of the ping-pong table has - revealed several ilpros" among the student body. This game is .quickly establishing its position in our busy students' day. LOTTEI TO Tn.r. EDITOR (A, composite letter ns dictated to and arran:ed tJ, report.. er John lsoda) The Student Council 'dishes to re Ay to the letter froa the :ilitary Dail Committee. In the first place, Septenber 27, 1952, ',then :Ir. Coll claims to have made contact vith various members of the Student Council is a Saturday. As five neabors of the Student Council live in the dormitories, each had ',.;one home and had not been contacted. The remainin; four, rho live in the HAZIJET ON COLLEGIAN WELLY NELS LET T 11,2 EDITION The Pennsylvania State College Tenter Highacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvania r•rl.l•rumgmt ,l 4 ll 4mplmigiNPlßNlNlNTlNFl 11 . ac - e .. _ z >-a w w • w **'**••■• •“ ■**»■■■«•«•• — .tmmmm >—» W» «m