Vol. XIV No. 114 r r r - r 1. -- rr - rr - fri..lllTE Fr - TT - TT - 1Z 'lir rall",rx,r 1951.52 STUDENT COUNCIL APPOINTS INTERIM COUNCIL To look after student affairs during the summer and to pre the fall, the 1951-52 Student Council has appointed an InteriM - Council, which will hold its first meeting Tuesday., June 3 at 11:45. Interim Council members appointed were Charles McGeehan, William Coll, Dorothy Kosack„ David Edwards, James Ustynoski, Joan Griesing, Marie Jacko, Mary Hasara, Andrew Karpinski, Laurence Roman, and Raymond Schultz. DEADLINE MONDAY FOR CONVOCATION DINNER-DANCE RI,ZTIVATIONS Deadline for making reservations for students and their guests for the Convocation Dinner-Dance -- climax of the year's academic and social activities -- has been set for Monday, June 2. This traditional spring term function will be held at Genetti's on Laurel Street, Saturday evening, June 7 at 6:00. The Three Tunes will play for the dance, which starts at 9:00 p.m, Senator Paul L. Isgnor will be the speaker at the convocation. At the con vocation also the academic, athletic, and activities awards will be presented, and Parnassus, the new college honors society, will recognize the "most valuable" sophomore and the "most valuable" freshman. sorrtiALL,reßs capLITS'NT Ca.CH WAUSAT Several potent softball players have approached the copyreader-typist of this sheet to ask the COLLEGIAN to express their.appreciation publicly to Coach Harold Wausat for the sincerity and zest with which he took over the basketball varsity and intramural program at midyear, and the painstaking, quiet zeal with which he organized and operated the finest softball league in years. ME NW. WRONG; MS A FOUR.MAY TIE NOSY BEING PL lENOFF The Profile Nine and the Deans did scramble the intramural softball league by knocking off the Bandits and Head Pins respectively but certainly not respectfully. The scores were In the first game of the playoffs, Profiles CONGIIITULATIONS, STUDENTS, FROM THE LIBRARY STAFF Every book borrOwed from the college library by students had been returned by the start of final examinations, Miss Pearl Garbriek announced Thursday. She and the student members of the library staff extend their congratulations. TWO HAZLETON CENTER STUD7NTS GRADUATE 17TH HONORS AT MAIN CAMPUS John P. regally and Walter C. Stone, both of whom completed a two year stay at the Hazleton Center in 1950,;mi1l be . graduated With honors from the main campus, June 9, Stone won the mathematics award here. A Dußois Center girl, Joan Richards, NAZUTON COIMGLIN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State College Center Highacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvania Bandits Profile Nine Head Pins Mans wArl.,ratlJ,lll•l,lll , r7/ ,, ‘ , ..;.r..;A R H E 0 '3 3 Winning pitcher Krause 6 9 1 Losing pitcher Ustyneski ]1 13 5 Winning pitcher Fisher 16 la 0 Losing pitcher Seeley the Bandits came back and defeated the