Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, May 23, 1952, Image 1
RAZ LET ON G Oa:In:I:AN . ------- // ,AysoN uNhp ,, ,,,,,..., Meekly Newsletter Edition '?` 11 'llo l4i' . '4,1) , ' 6,, e7N°. 4 The Pennsylvania State College Ce gr 1, ;,,, i 11\14, ....0 ---0.: 4 ,.- Highacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvani ''' 4 ,&* 7 ..-.... ... , NO BOOKS, NO FINAL EXAMS -_ Students who have not returned library books charged to them, by the last day of classes, Tuesday, May 27, will not be permitted to take final examinations. This has been announced by Miss Pearl Garbrick, librarian and instructor in music. Vol. XIV No. 13 ,~. YOU HAVE PAID FOR YOUR TICKETS FOR THE CONVOCATION DINNER-DANCE AT GENETTIIS When students paid their activities fees they paid for, among other things, their part of the expenses of the annual convocation dinner-dance, to be held this year at Genettils„ June 7. Students may obtain their tickets at the college book store starting next Monday with no additional charge. They must make these reser vations, however, before the next Monday, June 2. At the time they get their own tickets they may.make reservations for their girl-friends, boy-friends, papas and mamas at the rate of $2.25. State Senator Paul L. Wagner has been secured as the speaker. At the convocation, academic and activities awards will be presented to in dividual students, and certificated will be presented to Air R.O.T.C.cadete who have completed the basic four-semester course. MEN AND WMEN TAPPED FOR PARNASSUS TO BE INITIATED TIIS EVENING The 14 men and women tapped to be charter members of Parnassus...-the new honors society based upon character, participation, in college activities, and scholarship?- will be `initiated this evening with appropriate ceremonies in the lounge of the main building. The pledges, who have been wearing their blue and white pledge rib bons this week, will gather with the entire faculty for the initiation, which will be presided over by Administrative Head Merle E. Campbell. Students who will becoMe charter members. of Parnassus tonight are James 0. Rerish, William G. Cel4 David W. Edwards, Clark G. Fiester, Mary H. Foulkrod, Donald G. Fisher Mathilda A. GOYda, Marie E. Jacko, Dorothy Kosack, Gabriel P. Lensack, Loretta E. Romanofsky, Leonard M. Tarnowski, Jacquelynn F. Van Buskirk, and Paul N. lilliams. TM AIR R.O.T.C. EVENT MONDAY AT 4:15 Monday at 4:15, the "outstanding cadet" award will be presented in an official ceremony to be conducted by Captain Thomas L. Ashbridge in The Circle. The name of the cadet has not been announced, and it will not be revealed until the time of the ceremony. AIR FORCE R.O.T,C, RELEASES WANES OF CADETS SELECT7D FOR ADVANCED TRAINING According to an official release appearing upon the ROTC bulletin board, the following men have been selected foi. Advanced AF ROTC and must report to the main campus at State College for measurement for uniforms bY this evening. The notice was posted Wednesday. The men listed are D. G, Fisher, R. A. Green, W. B. Kramer, Jr., P. Krivak, W. N. Kroll, L. Kromis, M. Kudlick, S. Lazarus, F. E. Nowak, G. R. Said, Jr., J. C. Smith, V. J. Stanley,. and F. Mader, THETA SIGMA PI MITERS TO HAVE SPAGHETTI DINNER Candida RaMaviglia has invited all the members of Theta Sigma Pi, the Highacres sorority, to her home for spaghetti dinner next Thursday. LAST CHANCE FOR DONATIONS FOR ROTC TRAVELING BAG The AF ROTC men will conduct the drawing for their traveling bag this afternoon, li,rl . ll7sllll.laTlitlll,l%xlt F 1,11.1,