Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, May 16, 1952, Image 1
Vol, XIV No. 12 BLUE AND WHITE PLEDGE BADGES TO APPEAR NEXT WEEK AS PARNASSUS TAPS LIMBERS Blue and white ribbon pledge badges will appear for the first time on the Hazleton Center campus when the 14 students who have been tapped as charter members of Parnassus ) the new Highacres honor society, start wearing the insignia indicating that they have accepted the invitations to beCome the original members of a long line of future honors groups. The first initiation takes place next Friday at 8 p.m. The charter group of Parnassus pledges has been sponsored by the faculty, and the entire faculty will be present for the initiation ceremony, which will be held in the lounge of the main building. of Being tapped for Parnassus is a recognition/fine manly and womanly qualities, of alb.-•aroundnesss of sound scholarship, of taking a generous part in the activities of college life s 'of staunch personal integrity. This is a brief summary of the criteria studied by the faculty committee on student welfare as its members set up the framework for the charter membership in Parnassus and considered men and women who would be tapped as charter members. Members of the committee emphasized the point that Parnassus was to be different from almost all other honorary societies because it places as much importance upon participation in college activities and upon personal integrity as it does upon grades made in academic subjects. Grades and credit points for activities were set on a definite scale so that there would be specific minimum requirements for membership in Parnassus before the more intangible qualities of individual students were considered. For this first tapping of candidates a minimum grade average of 1 1 5 was set, and a Minimum of six activity points was added. A candidate was required to have attended the Hazleton Center for at least one semester. .As Parnassus matures,minimum standards for attendance will rise to l 2 semesters. And 10 activity points for three-semester students and 14 for fourth-semestermill be required. An -College Spring Picnic Set tor M. 22 Action by the Student-Faculty Board and a poll of faculty members on the question of moving the All-College Spring Picnic to the afternoon of Thursday, May 22 has settled the picnic for 2:00 oiclockthat afternoon. Classes will end at 2:10. All classes will run on their regular schedules up to that time. Committee chairmen announced by Council president Henry Giuliani. are as follows: Genreal Chairman: Paul Williams; entertainment chairman, Garth Fisher; refreshment chairman, Vince Corrado; transportation and cleanup chairman, Michael Kudlick. THETA SIGMA PI cow GET THEIR PINS; LOOK OUT, MEN Coeds in Theta Sigma Pi are sporting their new sorority pins. Each girls helped to pay for her own pin. (As our reporter quaintly puts it) Note: Look out men -- or you'll be pined (sic). MMTUDI We just noticed that we have been tinkering with the calendar again: Last Friday's COTLEGIAN wM dated May 2. It should have been May 9. Forgive please. ........ ..... THE FOLLCWING STUDENTS ARE ASKED BY THE COLLEGE COUNCILLING OFFICE TO PLAN TO REPORT SATURDAY, MAY 24. See Mt. Ralph Krecker for details: Mary E. Anthony, Janes Barry, Robert Collins, Allen Evans, James Favelle, William Hughes, Alan Bersker, John Kuchinsky„ Joseph Marinelli, Joseph Mehalick, Malcolm Neff, Thomas Price, Harry Rusenko, John Salko, Lewis Smith, Raymond Stabinski, Robert Tracy, Isabel, White,, Paul Tackanicz, Robert Mb:lax-ell, Nicholdo Yanuzzi, MiChael 'Young, and Drue Zeiser, HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Weekly Newsletter Edition The Pennsylvania State College Center Highacres, Hazleton, Pennsylvania /trlt(,,/xyl,/,1,,11f I t ,Tia,,.•-. i 111 I 1 , )1 - 1 • 115LLXJ11111,.,11 11.171. At,,, r i , e. ~ ,:t:i, / May id, .1952 • -r)