May 2 ) 1952 1/.1-.1111111111111-1111111111111 1./1111111117/111111/1111_/11111-11-r,L15L,,,.,,..-.1, KIPPERS SALT, DRY / AND SMOKE DIZZY DEANS 19 -- 1 Fresh off the wire this morning is the salting u drying / and smoking administered the Deans of the Highacres young gentlemen's submissive sphere league by the "scourge of the see Yankee Kippers. The outcome was 19 for the Kippers behind Karpinski's no-walk pitching and 1 (yes one) for the dehydrated Deans behind Fisher's 10-walk pitching. Pelick had 3 two-base hits; Ungvarsky 2; Young 2; and Levan 1. TO ERR IS HUMAN; TO ADMIT IT AIIITUE Balloting ?Monday, April 28 was to obtain a referendum from the students on two issues; the publishing of a COLLEGIAN pictorial review of the year and a suggested increase in the appropriation from student funds for the spring picnic. On the question of having the picture review of the year's activities the balloting was 89 against publishing and 39 for publishing. This was less that the two—thirds majority re— quired to reverse a decision of the Student Council. In the case of the spending of more money on a picnic the vote was 99 to 26 in favor of more money, more than enough to reverse the decision of the Council. Meeting on Tuesday to consider the wishes of the students as indicated by the balloting, the Council voted to waive the two-thirds, technicality and go along with the wishes of the majority on shelving the picture review. On the matter of the picnic, Council voted to add $ 30 transferred from the COLLEGIAN budget and bring the picnic appropriation up to $6lO. •••••••.••••• LLLLLLI Z JLL L ILL LLL LLL IZ IT ZLLIFLLLLISLLLLLLLL T LUILLLLLU .TS ILLLLLLLLTJ T .LT : LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LETTER TO THE. EDITOR DEPARTTrINT COUNCIL OR CABAL After shouldering the accusations of last weeks (sic) article which claimed we were a Neo-Nazi group Wiibouring the expectations of compelling each student to kneel to the axe, we have but this to say; tommy rot. We never anticloated forming such a faction and if any rumor cited otherwise it was merely a caprice of speculation. But let us not confuse the basic issue which your co-editor in a most spurious manner has attempted to do. Our - contention is and will be to the very end of this college year that in consideration of proMoting the general welfare of the students through co-ordination of student social activities, the governing group has failed pathetically. On questioning any member of Student Council of the reasons for this fiasco they will reply with one of two answers; lack of funds or a general disinterest characterized by the student body. In taking such a feeble defense they app- ear to have fOrgotten that in order to utilize the finance at hand, a certain dcgreeof managerial perseverance and disgression (sic) is necessary. In re lation to the second reply they also could have exercised a little forethought by remembering that interest in social activities must be aroused and created, it is not concomitant with their much prized honor of acquiring office. Inconsideration of obtaining specific grounds for their failure and in tended impeachment we suggest that they institute a poll concerned with questioning all the students seperately (sic) of their degree of Satisfaction with this years activities. If a majority of the students can gratuitously give them an affirmative answer, we will make like all old , instigators and slowly fade away. Ed. note: Such communications as this help to make a college paper a lively soundingboard for student life and opinion. The COLLEGIAN welcomes such student opinion, but calls attention to the fact that the COLLEGIAN takes no responsi. bility Tor the opinion or the mechanics of composition and spelling in these letters. LULLIILLUILLWILLLTELLTILLULLULLULLILLIILLLIILLIILLIZILLIILLTAILLULLULL HAZLET ON COLLEGIAN signed Garth Fisher Vincent J. Corrado -page 2 May 1, 1952