Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, May 03, 1951, Image 1
Faculty, Thank You Vol. XIII, No. .6( Daniels Resigns Student Council Post; Labels Council "Defunct Organization" Keller Explains Campus Merle Campbell Named New Head On April Ist the Pennsylvania State College announced a new ad ministrative head for Penn State Center here to succeed Amos A. Goss. The new head will be Merle E. Campbell who has been administra tive head of the Penn State Center in Dußois since 1945. His appointment here will become effective July 1, according to J. 0. Keller, director of the College's General Extension Ser vices who made the announcement. Developed Dußois Center During the six years that Mr. Campbell has been in charge of the Dußois Center, many additions and advances have been made, and large ly through his efforts, Mr. Keller said. These include a new recreation building; a men's dormitory and cafeteria; the redesigning and re building of laboratories for chemis try, physics and engineering, the re modeling of the main building; and the acquiring of a 21-acre athletic field. The Dußois Center has also devel oped an extensive adult educational program in recent years, both in the city of Dußois, and in the six-county area served by the Center. Many of these classes have been taught by members of the Center faculty, and Mr. Campbell teaches adult classes in oil painting. He has displayed an unusual inter est in student learning and in student welfare, according to Mr. Keller. Mr. Campbell takes frequent surveys among the students and among grad uates to determine their needs, and to add to the Center's educational, recreational, and extracurricular pro grams. Graduate of Penn State The newly-appointed head of the Center at Highacres is a 1938 gradu ate of Penn State where he majored in fine arts. He continued his studies on the main campus during the sum mers of 1938-39-40. As an under graduate he was art editor of a campus magazine, was intramural javelin champion, played intramural basketball, and was a member of Pi Gamma Alpha, fine arts honorary organization. Following graduation he taught one year in the public schools of his native city, New Castle. In 1939 he became an instructor in fine arts and engineering drawing at The Penn State Center in Dußois, and also coached junior varsity basketball. He was named assistant to the director of Arts and Science Extension for (Continued on page 4) Haz Ex-Center Student Builds Boys' Camp Clyde Bell, Jr., of Freeland, real ized the ambition of a lifetime re cently when he became the owner and director of 150-acre Pine Lodge camp near Wapwallopen. The 27 year old Bell is a veteran of camping life. His uncle, Rev. Rey burn L. Fritz of Freeland, a camping and Indian lore enthusiast, introdu ced him to the outdoor life when the present camp owner was only five years old. As a boy, young Bell attended var ious camps in the region and became a counselor at Camp Keller, operated by the local YMCA. A graduate of MMI (Bell tried surveying for a while but soon returned to his great er interest—work with young boys— and accepted a position as boys' work secretary at the YMCA and director of Camp Keller. Served in Air Force Drafted into the Army during World War 11, Bell served on Okin awa with the Air Force. While there, he set up a camp for war orphans. Following the war, Bell opened a small camp near the present site of Pine Lodge. Encouraged by its suc cess, he acquired 150 acres in the scenic Schweitz Valley and started construction of the present camp. Now valued at $50,000, Pine Lodge is nearly completed and will be open ed June 23 for boys aged 15 to 16. (Continued on page 3) leton Coil The Students' Voice Hazleton Center, Highacres, Hazleton, Pa Policies In reply to a student sponsored petition addressed to President Mil ton S. Eisenhower, J. 0. Keller, head of Penn State's extension services, spoke to a mass meeting of students on April 10 at 12 a.m. in the Botany Building. Keller said that the reason for establishing Pennsylvania State College as a land grant college was to provide education "close at hand." This original reason is applied today in the establishment of the eight centers. He told about the opposition put up by the junior colleges and smaller colleges of Pennsylvania who felt that their schools would lose many prospective students. This op position led to the centers being made self-sufficient. The towns in which the centers are located provide the buildings while Penn State furn ishes the faculty. Each center, how ever, is not self-supporting, but as a group the eight centers are self-sup porting. Keller reiettrti - that this year the centers are operating at a loss which is being underwritten by the Pennsylvania State College. This loss is due to miscalculations on student enrollment. The Hazleton Center is reported to be operating at a $21,000 loss. In the afternoon Keller and Stan ley Campbell met with the Student Council, the Petition Committee, and the Hazleton Educational Council. The purpose of the meeting was to answer the following questions which were submitted to him two hours be fore the meeting. Q. When is something going to be done about the poor kitchen service, the bad driveway, the parking lot, and the painting of the main build ing? A. The administrative head has the power to make minor repairs. Major repairs must be approved by the main campus. Keller stated that if Campbell, new administrative head— thought the painting of the buildings was the most important thing to be accomplished here, Campbell would certainly receive approval for paint ing them. Q. Is each individual center self supporting? If so, why must per mission come from the campus before we can repair anything. A. (Keller felt that he had answer ed this question previously.) Q. What is the breakdown of the 187.50 fee? Has this center always operated at a loss ? Two years ago— was there a profit of $35,000.00 ? Yes, or no. A. Keller said that the college does not break down individually each $187.50 fee. The total tuition fees are broken down into salaries, mainten ance, etc. During the years immed iately following World War II the center operated at a profit. Two (Continued on page 4) egian Henry Daniels, the sophomore who won over Joseph McHale in the February elections for Student Council, resigned his post on April 18, the day following the student mass-meeting, concerning the payment of the tournament deficit. Mr. Daniels said at the aforementioned meeting that Mr. Syd. Rudman told him in the presence of others that if there were a deficit, he (Rudman) would have to assume the risk and told Daniels that this tournament was not the affair of Student Council. "This," said Daniels, "Was not the only reason for the action I took (that of resigning) but the outcome of this meeting was 'the straw that broke the camel's back.' " The resignation, accepted by Council, is as follows: President of the Student Council, I, Henry Daniels, do herewith sub mit my resignation as a member of Student Council for the following reasons: French Club Reorganizes The French Club held a reorgan ization meeting March 9. Election of officers was held. Hugh Brennan, editor of the Collegian, was elected President. The office of Vice-Presi dent is occupied by Beverly Morgan. Harold Klemow and Pearl Paternos ter hold the offices of treasurer and secretary respectively. Miss Emma Philips is the club advisor. Frank Nowak was appointed a committee chairman. Members of the club are planning to make several trips to the Little Art Theatre in Wilkes-Barre for the purpose of seeing foreign films. The May Queen and Maid of Honor Jane Margwarth was elected May Queen, and Helene Smith her maid of honor in a student body, election. The crowning of the May Queen, a traditional Spring ceremony of the Hazleton Center, will be held Friday afternoon, May 4, at 2:00 P.M. in the garden at Highacres. In the event that the weatherman doesn't provide a suitable setting for an outdoor ceremony, the coronation will be held in Genetti's ballroom immediately preceding the dance. Miss Florence Yannes, Dean of Women, and her assistant, Miss Anna Erlemann, have announced the following program for May Day. Court Herald Donald Bachman 1. Council doesn't have enough in itiative. 2. Lack of interest in student af fairs and business. 3. Lack of unity in Council as a whole. 4. Lack of confidence of students who elected me as council mem ber. 5. Council activities are detrimen tal to the specific purpose of my attending college. Therefore, I do not wish to be a member of such a defunct organiza tion. After Council accepted this resig nation, 'Daniels made the statement that the acceptance of it, as written, proves conclusively that his state ment of Council being a defunct org anization is the truth. No action has been taken thus far for the replacement of Daniels. it i)f<;i~, 'S''4'~s3i:s<fc~ (Continued on page 3) Coronation and Ball May 4 Thursday, May 3, 1951 —Henry J. Daniels