Co-operate with Kostos Vol. XIII, No. 5 Students Agog Over G Frank C. Kostos Named Temporary Administrative Head Council Replenished Jane Margwarth and Henry Dan iels, sophomores at the Center, and Joseph Hastings and Bill Deppe, freshmen, were elected to Student Council replacing John Zamba, Kath leen Midash, Robert Barrett, and Mary Jane Allen. Henry Giuliani, vice-president of the Freshman class, automatically moved up to the office of vice-president of the Student Coun cil because of the transferring to the main campus of Jack Reinhart, pres ident of the Freshman class. The recently-elected Council mem bers advocated a continuance of the policies proposed by the Campus Re formers and Pennacrats in the Fall semester elections. At that time these parties swept all Council of fices with the exception of two seats. However, the Spring semester elec tions were characterized by little name-calling, no band-playing, and practically no advertisement with the exception of a few freshmen hand cards and posters. Student Body Meets On February 22, the first meeting of the student body was held in B -101, at which time Mr. Kostos spoke. He assured the students that he knew they all had gripes and wanted certain things done. He told them that if they would just be patient until he got things organized, he would take care of their gripes if it were possible. Co-operation Proposed Ralph Krecker, Arthur Carpenter, Frederick Ciletti, Edward McGee, Henry 'Daniels, and Henry Giuliani will probably comprise the student faculty board of Operation Co-opera tion. This board will resemble the Student-Faculty Board of recent years, and its purpose will be to co ordinate better feelings between the students and the faculty to settle all controversial issues that cannot be solved by Student Council. Mr. Krecker, one of the members of the board, has expressed his feel ings about the organization of Opera tion-Co-operation in the following statement: "The recent succession of events which resulted in a change of admin istration in our Center has left all of us, students and faculty, with a feel ing that there is a need for us to reset our sights and revamp our objectives. We are suddenly aware that each of us has some responsibility to bear and a definite position in the Center family. All of us are eager to do our bit as mature individuals toward making our stay here a pleasant one, and toward making this the best Center of all in the eyes of everyone. Let's get behind our student and faculty leaders and serve when we are called upon to serve. Even though all of us Frank C. Kostos Mr. Frank C. Kostos has moved up from the job of Assistant Admin istrative Head to become temporary Administrative Head of the H.U.C. Mr. Kostos received his Bachelor of Science Degree from Bucknell University in 1930, and his M.S. in Math from the same institution in 1939. He began his teaching career at Mount Carmel High School in 1934, remaining there until 1941. During that time he maintained the positions of football and basketball coach and faculty manager of athletics. In 1941, Mr. Kostos left Mount Carmel to teach at Brown Vocational School in Wilmington, Delaware. In 1944, he moved to Valley Forge Mili tary Academy, remaining there one semester before coming to the Hazle ton Center. During his stay here he has serv ed as school registrar as well as Assistant Administrative Head. Prehatny Elected Chairman ROTC Ball Cadet Captain John Prehatny was elected General Chairman of the Army-Air R.O.T.C. ball to be held at Hotel Altamont on April 20. Various committees wre organized with Cadet Lieutenant Harold Filbert heading the Decorations and Re freshments Committee. Cadet Ist Lieutenant Lewis Giuliani, chairman of the Entertainment and Publicity Committee, and Cadet Master Ser geant James Taylor in charge of tickets. Aiding these committee chairmen are: Cadet Captain Burt Hall, Cadet Ist Lieutenants Frank Thomsen, George Jonovich, Gerald Troy, Emil Hutnyan, and Cadet Ist Sergeant Robert Matchick. may not be able to make definite positive contributions in the days ahead, we can cooperate as members of the same family. As we keep the ball rolling for old Penn State, let Operation Co-operation be our by word." . . 0 l eton Colic Aft a . • The Students' Voice goy Hazleton Center, Highacres, Hazleton, Pa .:A(; B R A YL 7 _I - k 126 Students Pledge $1,207.89 The Student Committee for the Gymnasium Drive announced an Feb ruary 23, that 126 students pledged $1207.89 to the Activities-Gymnasium Drive. Included in this amount is a miscellaneous $35 which was collec ted for the gymnasium last year. The Women's Organization also donated $35 to the drive, their mak ing the total $1242.89. This money was obtained through profits gained from a bake sale conducted in Deis roth's Department Store on Decem ber 13. As the Collegian went to press, the Women's Organization was the only club to contribute to the drive. Since the' students have pledged their money, there has been controv ersy over how the pledge money should be paid. Betty Harlor, who replaced William Koehler, transfer student to the main campus as chair man of the Student Committee, an nounced that all monthly payments will be made at the bookstore the Monday following the first Saturday of each month. The following dates have been selected: March 5, April 9, May 7, and June 4. The committee responsible for so liciting the students consists of the following members: Lewis Guiliani, Jane Margwarth, Henry Giuliani, Jos eph Hastings, Harold Borushok, Wal ter Kramer, Bernard Rachilla, Carl Christopher, Mary Lou Gagliardi, John Prehatney, and Betty Harlor. Not all the students have been contacted about the drive, and there are still some pledge cards that have not been returned to the committee. However, these students and the new students who registered in February will be contacted by student com mittee members. German Club Skates At Split Rock Lodge On Sunday, February 11, the Ger man Club held a tobogganing and ice skating party at Split Rock Lodge in the Poconos. The trip was made by car, furnished by Miss Erlemann, D. Billig, F. Fellin, and G. Martini. Those members present were Miss Erlemann, advisor of the German Club, Miss Yannes, Frank Thompsen, Joe McHale, Gene Martini, Tel Gil roy, Frank Fellin, Carl Christopher, Summary of Student Council Accounts For the Fall Semester as of Jan. 18, 1951 S.G.A. Fees Collegian Advertising Student Council .... Men's Athletics Collegian Dramatics Totals $991.52 $1687.00 $695.48 NOTE - Expenditures of the surplus fund as of Jan. 18, 1951 were $85.00. The Balance is to be determined. Eight Students Comprise Dean's List Mr. Frank Kostos, acting adminis trative head, has released the names of the students whose marks enabled them to be named on the Dean's List and the Honor Roll for the fall sem ester. In order to be placed on the Dean's List, a student must have a 2.5 average. The Honor Roll consists of those students who have maintain ed an average of 2.0 or above. These students have attained an average of 2.5 or above and have been included in the Dean's List. Schneier, M. (Spec) 3.00 Bradish, T. (AL) 2.82 Brogan, E. (MngE) 2.77 Lorah, D. (AL) 2.60 Bell, C. (Ed.) 2.54 Harlor, E. (Journ) 2.53 Surgent, E. (Ed) 2.53 Petchel, S. (Journ) 2.50 Included on the Honor Roll are these students who have attained an average of 2.0 or above. Lawrence, G. (ME) 2.48 Keck, J. (Ch) 2.47 Decker, J. (AL) 2.40 Krause, J. (Ed) 2.40 Deppe, W. (ChE) 2.38 Koehler, W. (ChE) 2.36 Williams, A. (CF) 2.35 Sauers, V. (Ed) 2.28 Alden, W. (MngE) 2.19 Prehatny, J. (PM) 2.19 Kapes, F. (AL) 2.17 Greenwald, A. (AL) 2.16 Bones, R. (HEc) 2.14 Kramer, H. (EE) 2.14 Brown, N. (AH) 2.13 Hastings, J. (AL) 2.12 McHugh, E. (ME) 2.11 Honsberger, H. (AL) 2.10 Gibelman, M. (ME) 2.06 Thomsen, F. (PM) 2.03 Allen, M. (AL) 2.00 Buttery, J. (AL) 2.00 Kaschak, J. (Ed) 2.00 Kudla, L. (ME) • 2.00 Lensack, G. (PM) 2.00 Morgan, B. (AL) 2.00 Romanofsky, L. (AL) 2.00 Swenson, D. (MT) 2.00 Jim Lorah, Don Billig, James Russo, John Prehatny, and William Rein smith. Several members were accompan ied with lady friends. There were no severe injuries with the exceptions of a few minor abras ions and some "hurt prides." Expenditures Income $1635.00 52.00 $552.91 183.70 242.16 12.75 ignation FEB. 20 All the students in the Hazleton Center are ignorant of the reason or reasons for Amos Goss' resigning. No information could be ascertained, but a campus report on the matter is expected soon. Amos A. Goss, resigned Adminis trative Head of H.U.C., received his B.S. in civil engineering at Penn State in '39. Upon graduation from Penn State, Mr. Goss received a position with the Dept. of Grounds and Bldgs., Penn State college. In 1940 he affiliated himself with the New York, Chicago and St. Louis railway, remaining there until mid-1941, whereupon he chose to become an engineering in structor at Keystone Junior College in Scranton. In September of 1942, Goss came to the Hazleton Center in the same capacity, teaching under Coleman Herpel, who was the administrative head of the Center. He was named acting Center ad ministrative head in 1943, assistant professor of engineering in 1945 and administrative head and associate professor of engineering of H.U.C. in 1947. During his local career, Goss serv ed as vice-president of the Pennsyl vania Association of Junior Colleges (1946-1947) and as a member of the executive committee of the Middle Atlantic States Council of Junior Colleges (1948-1949). Mr. Goss' recreational activities consisted of photography and the lo cal Kiwanis Club. He received professional recogni tion in "Who's who in Pennsylvania Education," "Who's who in Junior Colleges," and "Who's who in Ameri can Education." Artist Donates Painting C. Elizabeth Davis, Philadelphia painter, has donated her picture, "Train Time" to the college. It is at present hanging in the lounge of the main building. Balance Miss 'Davis has had her works rep resented in various galleries in New York and Philadelphia. This brings our collection up to four. The three other paintings in the lounge were donated by William Meyers, a Hazleton artist, whose works have been admired by many. Support the Team Friday, March 2, 1951 Amos A. Goss
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