Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 20, 1950, Image 1

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Vol. XIII, No. 1
Reformers Win
10 of 14 Seats
From Melting Pot
Vote Pennacrats, Campus Reform
ers, Senior and Junior Melting Pots!
In the few days before election the
"circle" was transformed from a
macadam road into a mass of party
slogans and names of candidates.
Posters of party candidates and poli
cies cluttered every spot frequented
by the students. Political parties even
clamored for the space below the
television set during World Series
to advertise their policies. Cigarettes
were handed out, bands played, and
effigies were hanged in order to gath
er victory-winning votes.
After three days of mud-slinging,
name-calling, and vigorous campaign
ing the Campus Reformers and Pen
nacrats advocating the same poli
cies swept all offices with the ex
ception of two council seats, Sopho
more Class Secretary, and Freshmen
Class Treasurer. Edward McGee re
ceived the majority of sophomore
votes to reign as president of the
Sophomore Class and Jack Reinhart
was elected president of the Fresh
man Class.
Officers of the freshman and Soph
omore classes are:
President Edward McGee
Vice-President Emil Surgent
Secretary Jane Margwarth
Treasurer Clarence Hall
Council members Kathleen Mid-
Evils, Bernard Raehilla, and John
Vice-President Henry Giuliani
Secretary Joseph Hastings
Treasurer William Deppe
Council members—Mary Lou Gag
gliardi, Mary Jane Allen, and
Robert Barrett
The policies advocated by the win
ning parties include sophomore ap
proval in the spending of the $2OO
surplus; better relationships between
the Hazleton Center, the other cent
ers, and the main campus; ratifica
tion of a new constitution; the print
ing of the financial balance in the
"Collegian"; and free music in the
snack bar.
Flagpole Issue
Confuses Sophs
An Interim Council meeting of
Sophomores took place on the first
Thursday of this month. The great
controversy over the flag pole was
evidenced by the many spirited ques
tions raised by the students.
Clyde Bell, president of the In
terim Council, disclaimed any respon
sibility by the Interim Council for
ordering the new flag pole. Last
year's student council favored the
purchase, but "overestimated" ex
penses led them to believe that there
would not be sufficient S.G.A. funds
to pay for it. After the erection of
the pole, the Interim Council had no
other choice but to pay for it.
According to Center policy, the
$234 balance from last year's S.G.A.
fund now becomes school surplus, be
cause student governments must
work on current income.
After a heated discussion a sug
gestion was unanimously approved to
the effect that the new Student
(Continued on page 4)
First Row, Left to Right Mary Jane Allen, Kathleen Midash, Edward McGee, Mary Lou Gagliardi.
Second Row, Left to Right Robert Barrett, John Reinhart, John Zamba, Bernard Rachilla.
Center policy on Student Government Accounting is that
the S.G.A. must work on current income. Surpluses cannot be
carried over from year to year to augment operating budgets.
S.G.A. Fees
Basketball Receipts
Glee Club
Publications (Collegian)
*Student Council
Women's Organization
T.V. Set
The "temporary" identification card mailed to you at the time of registration, and
Important which bears your student number, must be kept until you arrive at the main campus.
Since this card is valid for your entire stay at the "Center," disregard the date stamp-
Notice ed in the void block. You will need this card for the first registration at the campus,
after which you will receive your permanent identification card.
zleton Coll
The Students' Voice
Hazleton Center, Highacres, Hazleton, Pa
Student Council
* Included in this amount are the bills for
freshman party, and bills that have been
paid on the flag pole. There is still one
outstanding bill which will amount to ap
proximately $30.00.
4penditures Income
eg .
$ 234.67
Friday, pctober 20, 1950
The Glory
'd State"
"For the glory of Old State." Al
though every student who has enter
ed Highacres either has learned the
first verse of Penn State's Alma
Mater or has heard the words during
his stay at Highacres, few students
have ever considered that the words
apply to them. When they were ask
ed to contribute a few hours of their
time to plan a meeting, to support a
drive, or to decorate for a dance,
most of the students refused or re
luctantly, said "Yes," and then never
appeared at the designated place.
The majority of the students pre
ferred to sit back on their laurels
and watch the "eager beavers" do
the job. Then after the job was
done, the people who sat back were
the first to criticize what had been
Students had the same lakadaisical
attitude toward Student Council.
When the Council posted notices ask
ing for volunteers to serve on com
mittees, the space left for names re
mained blank. Even though the Stu
dent Council invited all students to
attend its meetings, seldom did any
non-members sit in on a session.
However, if the same Student Coun
cil appropriated money where "Mr.
Lakadaisical" didn't benefit, he was
the first to gripe. Of course, he did
his complaining to small groups in
the lounge or snack bar. Never did
he approach a Council member and
ask him why or to what benefit was
the appropriation to-Mtudents exclus
ive of himself. "Councts juggling our
$7.50" became his fighting cry.
This year we have a very enthus
iastic group of freshmen and a group
of sophomores who are rapidly ac
quiring the freshmen's vim, vigor,
and vitality. The freshmen have al
ready displayed the spirit of the
"fightin' Phils" by their attendance
at the Freshmen Week Variety Show.
This same spirit of enthusiasm has
become evident in the sophomore
class as well. The newly-elected Stu
dent Council will soon begin to run
the machinery of student govern
ment. Let's forget our petty gripes
and give the policies Student Council
advocates the old college try!
Student Council
Takes Over Reins
The first formal meeting of the
new council took place on Thursday,
October 12, at 4:30 p.m. in room 213
of the Main building. The main busi
ness transacted was the elections of
Mary Jane Allen and Benny Rachilla
as secretary and treasurer of Student
Council respectively.
Clyde Bell, ex-president of Interim
Council gave the new council the de
tails of the planned "Hayride." (See
back page ad.) A motion that the
committee already appointed for this
particular function be allowed to
continue its plans rather than ap
pointing another committee was sec
onded and passed.
Mr. Rachilla suggested that a
plaque bearing the inscription "From
the Freshman and Sophomore Class
es of 1949-1950" or something similar
be placed on or near the flagpole.
(Continued on page 4)