Vol. n][. No. 7 May Day And Semi-Formal May 26 Open House and Career Day Near On Friday and Saturday, May 12 and 13, the doors and gates of our elevated instiution will •be thrown wide to adinit visitors who wish to learn more about the Penn State Cen ter in Hazleton. This program is, of course, "Open House." On Saturday from 10:00 a. m. until 4:00 p. m. an introduction to college life and cur riculum for prospective students will take place. High school seniors from regional schools and any other inter ested students will learn first hand what takes place at the center. Career counseling and other infor mation regarding choce of a vocation will be offered. This preview of "A day in the life of a Freshman" is known as Career Day. The open door policy will com mence on Friday at seven and visitors will be taken on a tour of the place until ten. Invitations have been par ticularly extended to the parents and friends of undergraduates to get a Rain Ruins Roast But Student Spirit Soars The Student Council-sponsored Weiner roast was held on Thursday night, April 27. A persistent series of showers, which began when the picnic did, finally caused all hands to re treat to the dry safety of the lounge. Up until that time the long glowing fire kindled by Gene Chomicky, Neil Gallagher and ambitious dorm stu dents was surrounded by people thrusting pointed sticks over it. These sticks were heavily laden with dripping hot dogs and blazing marsh mallows. Kathy Midash supervised the dishing out of the food, and Sissy McGee kept things running smoothly, especially when she prevented a near draught caused by lack of paper •cups. The uncooperative weather cut down what could have been a record at tendance for a social affair bu•t plen ty of weiners and the trimmings were tucked away in student stomachs. A dance in the student lounge fol lowed and the large room was not nearly large enough to accommodate all, but no one seemed to mind. Beau Di Silverio's "orchestra" provided the music which was wired from Mr. Goss' office. One discordant note was avident as the dance progressed; the aroblem which has plagued the center mince time immemorial scarcity of women. If there had been an equal lumber of girls and men the dancing would still probably be going on. The real interest that the students howed in this activity seems to in- 45)ageton HAZLETON CENTER, HIGHACRES, R. D. 1, HAZLETON, PA. good look at Highacres on this night. Parents who attended the previous public welcome should be impressed by some of the changes which have taken place since their last visit. On Saturday night the same hours will prevail for the inspection of HUC by the general public. There has been a great deal of planning and work .put into this proj ect by the committee in charge, and every department expects to have some sort of representative display. Plans call for the suspension of classes on Friday afternoon and on Saturday. These details are still in definite at press time, however. Miss Bonn, in charge of publicity, is currently releasing a flood of ar ticles to the local newspapers to in sure public cooperation. A little mis sionary work on the part of students is also expected to swell the tide of interested and curious. Dean Euwema Main Speaker For Convocation The committee which is planning the Convocation Exercises has an nounced that the main speaker will be Ben Euwema, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts of the Pennsylvania State College. Dean Euewema is cer tainly in a position to give good ad vice to the people who are advancing from the center. Many of the gradu ating students will be under his de partment next year at the campus. Picnic Program Being Planned The night before May Day, May 25, will see a student picnic and en tertainment taking place on top of our Highacres Hill. John Laubach, in charge of the program, announced that a lot of students and staff mem bers will exhibit hitherto hidden tal ents. The Student Council plans that food will be available and also music for dancing. Consult the walls for fu ture announcements about the picnic. Have you made your plans for the semi yet ? ? ? It's only two weeks away. di'cate that it was a success, and with more support from, people other than council members, bigger and better things are possible. Collegian Friday Afternoon And Night Will Climax Year's Activities THE QUEEN Mary Lou Pollock f Y OUR DATE BOOK tgr, May 12—Open House for Parents and friends 7 to 10 p. m. May 13—Career Day 10 a. m. to 4 gyp. m. Open House for General Public 7 to 10 p. m. May 25—Picnic and Student Pro gram. May 26—M ay Day Ceremonies 3 p. m. Semi-Formal Dance at Genetti's 9 p. m. May 30—Decoration Day—Classes Suspended. June 4—Convocation Exercises at Highacres. The crowning of the May Queen, a spring -time tradition of lIUC, will take place on next Friday afternoon at three o'clock. The procession, crowning, and maypole dance are scheduled for the campus lawn, and a platform will be erected to hold the Queen's throne. In the event that the weather man does not provide a suit able setting for an outdoor ceremony, the coronation will be held in Genet ti's ballroom immediately preceding the dance. The Ceremony The ceremony might require a bit of interpretation for those unfamiliar with it. The attendants will carry the Hemlock Chain and form a path for the Queen's entrance; next will come the flowered arches to frame her pas sage. After the Queen and her maid of honor have arrived, the scroll bearer "reads" the ceremony. The heart bearer brings the heart of the student body to the Queen; the key bearer presents her with the key to the school; the crown bearer delivers the crown to be placed on the head of the May Queen. A maypole dance will climax the ceremony. The Queen Mary Lou Pollock has been se lected May Queen by vote of the stu dents. Mary Lou is a fourth semester Lab Technician trainee and is as well liked as she is pretty. What more can be said? Maid of Honor, Marian Janosky, was second choice for beauty and popularity in the opinion of our stu dents. She is a freshman enrolled in a pre-nursing , curriculum. Marian's blonde good looks will qualify her for a fine Maid of Honor. The Semi-Formal On the same next Friday the Ha zleton Center will hold its own "Prom"—the final dance of the year. It will be a semi-formal affair in the Genetti ballroom. Dancing will be to the music of Scotty Parson's band from nine until twelve. The Social Committee of the Student Council se lected the orchestra and locale. It was decided that refreshments, practically ignored in the past, will be omitted this time. Thus no one's evening will be taken up with passing out punch and 'pretzels. Admittance will be by SCA card; each student may bring one guest. A program of entertainment dur ing intermission is being discussed; nothing definite is known yet, how ever. Let's have a real turnout of stu dents at this last student gathering of the school year, the last official social gathering at HUC for the Sopho mores. May 12, 1950
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