November 18, 1949 WOMAN Here are a few ideas on that very touchy subject. "Woman is only one of nature's agreeable blunders." (True! True!) * * * * "Frailty, thy name is woman!" SHAKESPEARE (He really didn't mean that.) ** * * "The weaker Vessel" ** * * (I checked Webster on this one VESSEL: a structure larger than a commin row boat. Hhmmm.) "Too fair to worship, too divine to love." MILMAN (Come, come my good man!) IM3 "A rag of bone and a hank of KIPLING (Excellent! Wonderful!) * * * "Find the woman." (Cream cheese with a secret weapon.) AFTER HOURS STUFF A teachers life is not all bluebooks and passing grades—on the contrary a teacher has many jobs aside from teaching. We do not have to look far for examples of this, either, because right here on our own campus we find teachers doing more than in structing. These illustrations will be more than sufficient for me to prove my point. How many of you know that Miss Bonn, our charming English teacher, is also the Center's Publicity Director? You didn't? Well, strange as•it may seem, Mr. Pavone, our dynamic Engineering Drawing teacher, is the head of our cafeteria; Miss Thomas, our dissect ing Botany and Zoology teacher, holds down the job of Faculty Ad visor. Miss Wood is Dean of Women and Miss Liechty, our Math teacher, is in charge of the finances for the Student Council. Miss Garbrick, our appreciative Music teacher, and Miss Campbell, our expressive Speech and English teacher, have complete charge of the Autumn Concert Theater. Miss Erlemann's Adult Leisure Time Classes are a real Busman's Holiday. Miss Emma Phillips dispen ses Beginners' French, while Mr. Art Carpenter and his able assistant tu tor novices in Arts and Crafts. Furthermore, let us not forget Miss Neifert, our competent English teacher whose responsibility is Stu dent Welfare, and those teachers who sponsor clubs and other phases of campus life important to the stu dents. If you like "Nuttany Nittany" come to the Collegian office and let us know. If you don't—!!!! COWLEY PETER 111 Who pours Art Edstrom into his overalls every morning? Does Sergeant Gordon use a Schick Injector? When are we going to hear "Mule Train" playing in our jukebox? Who is crazy about Econ? When is Dinny (Socrates) Conahan going to invest in a windbreaker? (Or is wearing a topcoat to Gym class a fad?) What kind of tobacco does Mr. Zerbe smoke?. How many miles is it from the bottom to the top of the hill? Who is Leroy? DUMA S Does Reese Davis have any other classes than Pinochle 255? Did Burt Minkin paint his car in the dark? Where did Miss Phillips buy that Stanley Steamer? Did you ever see two sub debs as "Sub" as Janoski and Har lor? Does Keplinger have permission to park atop the hill? How old is Sydney? Does "J" stand for Joy in M.J.8.? Is it true that Grace Heppe is still a Wildcat? Does Chad McCracken bleach his Toscannini tresses? Will Canasta ever replace Pinochle in the Snack Bar? Will Hank Ziegler ever get a girl? Who performed the art work on the road? Shall we vote Neil Gallagher Class Harpist? Did Kostanecki find his shirt in a can of pineapple? Have you noticed Walter Stone writing to Santa Claus yet? Why do they call Kathleen Midash "Crisco?" Is Lefty Vilushis the "odds" man on the totem "pool?" Does Duz do everything? Is it true that Mr. Muller owns a noodle factory? Do you know where the bulletin board is? Who is going to get for the Collegian office out of storage? Is it true that Dave Evans will star in the next Tarzan pie- ture? This year your student newspaper, The Collegian, is in fact a student newspaper. The staff is composed only of stu dents, the policy is made by students, and it is published for the students. We want to reflect and assist in any way pos sible the views and aims of all of the sophomores and fresh men. The staff will welcome suggestions, gripes (legiti mate) and any contributions made sincerely in the interest of an alert, well-informed student body. This will be our guiding policy. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN We have a new campus, oh, isn't that fine; But between you and me, for the old school I pine. No parking troubles, no hills to climb, No missing busses departing on time. It seems that the schedule was designed to confuse, For the rooms designated weren't ready to use; Chem Lab was a structure consisting of walls, "Old Main" was remodeled with unfinished halls Here up on the mountain, so close to the blue, One thing we do have is an excellent view. But take me away from this high, godly perch; Back to the old place at Walnut and Church THE QUESTION MARK IT'S ALL YOURS! FRUSTRATION MAN Now we come to the better half. "Every man is a volume, if you know how to read him." - W. E. CHANNING , (Check with Marilyn George for page numbers.) "It is easier to know mankind in general than man individually." La ROCHEFOUCAULD (Ask Sissy McGee) * * * * "Thou has made him a little lower than Angels." PSALMS VIII (How deep is the ocean?) IMI "Man's the bad child of the uni verse." (Kids will be kids.) EMM:=3 "Man is a social animal." SENECA (He can be found day in and night out.) CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED TO BUY—Heater in good condition (.45 cal. preferred) Contact Lee Palmer. FOR SALE—ABC washer. Good condition. Makes for sanitary al phabet soup. Check with this office. FOR SALE-1941 Mercury—color red. Reason for sale: thermometer broke. Check with. Kilroy. FOR SALE Sewing machines. Guaranteed Singers (if fed bird seed). Call "Scoopy". FOR SALE-1946 Chev. pickup tr. Guaranteed to hold twenty "pick ups". Call Mike Sekerak. FOR SALE Youthful, half size dresses for Fall wear. All colors— if colors matter. Call A. Peifer. WANTED—"Buck-Board" in snack bar. Call "Student Board of Com mon Pleas." LIVE STOCK—Riding' horse with saddle, bridle. 6 years old. Un married—no prospects. Rusty gait ed. Contact this office. HELP WANTED Female, good looking and intelligent. To work Chemistry problems. Call John Marchetti. ORGANIZATIONS! News of activitties and accomplish ments of the various clubs will, of course, be included in the Collegian if each organization will make provi sion for this information to reach our office. Please give our small overworked staff a reasonable length of time before publication to include these articles. Don't forget "Three Cornered Moon" • Friday Night GENETTI'S Page Three OPPENHEIM