H(TIPE:Zys a3tetott COEDS PUT ON EASTER BONNETS Hazleton IRC To Send Delegates Plans are being made by the Inter national Relations Club to send del egates to the initial meeting of the Pennsylvania Chapter of Internation al Relations Club Conference at Wilkes College on April 22, 23 and 24. How many representatives or who they will be has not been decided yet as Dr. Hazel Ramsay, adviser of the Center IRC, has not received infor mation as to how many representa tives the Center will be able to send. Dr. Ramsay is certain, however, that at least three or possibly five will at tend the sessions. This forthcoming conference will climax six months of planning. The state International Relations Club was formed last November during the Middle Atlantic Conference of college IRC groups at Penn State College. Temporary officers were elected and it was decided that a meeting be held sometime in the spring at Wilkes College for the pur pose of better organizing the group. Since November the temporary of ficers have held a special meeting at Harrisburg to divide the schools of the state into sections according to their location. This was to provide a means of distributing the work and facilitating the functioning of the machinery of the organization. One of the most important tasks confronting the state conference will be drawing up a constitution. Sociology Class Hears Britisher Unless the world wants another universal crisis it must cease perpet uating the economic system which has precipitated the past two world wars. This was the theory Wilfred Wel lock, former member of the British House of Commons, discussed and defended before the Soc. 10 class and a group of speech students April 4 at the YMCA in Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Wel lock was sponsored by the American Friends Society and served as a field trip for several Center •classes. The theme of his speech, "Factors Making For World Upheaval," was divided into two separate talks, the first of which he delivered following a dinner. After his main speech a number of students asked him questions, and the lecturer became so interested in the junior college set-up Penn State had in Hazleton as one form of decentra lization that he took notes from. the visiting students. Yes, we could write a sonnet about those Easter bonnets the Center co eds will be sporting during their hol iday vacation. Several of the women who are all ready for the silk and straw parade; and who will probably make more than the judges look twice in their direction, have donned their Easter f. ... :.. ~ ' .'. .. ..,;; ~.. . . .....-.. .1. -.. ' ....: . 4:*.........: . :: . .. .: itkage6 MAY QUEEN AND COURT WILL BE REVEALED AT SQUARE DANCE Jose Mihalik and his regional pol ka orchestra will provide the music when the Engineering club in co-op eration with the Activities - Board presents their Square Dance Friday night, April 22, on the YMCA floor. The dance, an attempt. to increase the range of Center social activities, will feature social as well as barn and country style dancing. In complying with the theme, which is designed upon the general background of farm life, the men should dress in the attire descriptive of the typical farmer, and their part ners in the style of the typical rural lassie. T h e entertainment committee, headed by Peg Kohler, has an nounced that dancing will continue from 9 p.m. until midnight. Every type of dance will be given a sepa rate place on the program. During the dance the May Queen and her court will be officially dis closed. Yet unknown to the student body, the queen will reign over the dance and ceremonies accompanying y -0, • ."N ... :, k : . , ..,. ,-; ..1 1 , .. ~. - - feathers and ribbons a wee bit early for the Collegian photographer. Jante Szutowicz is pictured in the center; Joan Eid,leman and Cissy Mc- Gee appear on the left, Mary Lou Pollock and Anita Goldberg on the right. For more details on Easter fash ions, see page 4. .... ' . ' the May 6 celebration of May Day The Square Dance will be free to all members of the Center and their guests A survey sheet, which was in cluded with the eight weeks grades, was sent to all students of the Cen ter. The purpose of this sheet is to determine the number of students who are planning to attend summer sessions at' the Center and what courses those students desire. It will be greatly appreciated if all inter ested students return those survey sheets to the office as soon as pos sible. Mr. Kostos urges all students who are returning to the Center for the fall semester 1949 to come into the office before April 23 to have their tentative schedules arranged. This is to guarantee that the subjects de sired by the students will be avail able. NOTICE au MR. WHO? (Page 3) Mid-Semester Dean's List And Honor Students Two students who have attained a 3 average for the mid-semester grade marking period are J. Hall and J. Watkins. Other students who have averaged 2.5 to place them on the Dean's List are: N. Baran, M. D. Underwood, C. Balliet, C. L. Miller, M. Maczkov, J. M. Lovrini•c, A. Lorenzoni, and J. Olivia. All honor students with a 2 aver age include: W. Stone, A. W. Dendler, L. Bar ron, J. M. Prete, M. M. George, G. N. Pavuk, E. Bogert, N. E. Gallagher, J. McGee, G. J. Fluri, D. H. Russell, H. Brannaka and D. McNelis. J. Eidleman, J. P. McNally, P. G. Fairchock, R. F. Jurchak, E. M. Kos tick, R. A. Makofsky, K. Vayda, C. Bittner, J. Formolo, J.' H. Hoegg, R. Mikula, R. M. Peterssen, H.'A. Sachs, I\L. V. Sanko, E. C. Schott, R. Davi l ;, and M. Schmutzer. Florida Beauty Freshman Queen According to word received from the campus, Rosemary Larsen, Penn State's blonde entry in the Miss All- American College Freshman contest, finished out of the money in her quest for beauty honors. Top spot in the Twentieth Fox's film publicity stunt, an all-expense paid, sun-filled week in the movie capitol, went to Marilyn Overby, a University of Florida lovely. Mary Haskell, a representative of the Longhorns from Texas, and Claire Molzen, a pretty Syracuse miss, claimed runner-up nods in the na tional show. Miss Larsen, who attends the Behrend Center at Erie, won a place in the finals after the contest on the campus in connection with the pre miere of "Mother Is A Freshman." She competed at that time with Hazleton's Mary Lou Pollock, Shirley Long from Harrisburg, Patricia Bowles representing Swarthmore, and Marjorie Alsberg, the main cam pus entry. Frosh beauties from fifteen other .universities vied for national honors. Classes Resume April 20 Students of Pennsylvania State College will begin their Easter vaca tion April 14 at 11:50 and will re sume classes the following Wednes day, April 20, at 8 a.m.
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