February 25, 1949 Club Doings The Chemistry Club met on Tues day evening at the Broad Street buil ding. At this meeting Freshman Cissy McGee was elected vice-president. A committee, consisting of Bernard Carr, Myron Schmutzer, Mary Ellen McHugh and Don Kump, was se lected to prepare a program for the spring semester. An interesting mo vie, "Frontiers of the Future," was shown and discussed. At the next meeting which will be held March 8 a systematic qualitative analysis is temporarily scheduled. The first meeting of the Spanish Club for the spring semester will be held on Wednesday, March 2, at the Walnut Street building at 7:30. Spanish movies will be selected for future meetings. Games, skits and re freshments will be available to all who attend. Two films,, one on Poland and the other on India, were shown to a group of students at the Sandwich Cinema Hour on Wednesday. The S.C.H. is a bi-monthly presentation of your International Relations Club. The club discussed civil war in China at the last meeting. Next week Po land and India will be the topics for discussion. The Mathematics Club has not met this semester as yet. Watch the bul letin board for announcements con cerning this club. Recently the French Club officers held a meeting concerning the elec tion of a representative to the stu dent council. The basic outlines of the club's activities for the spring se mester were also discussed. Student members are asked to take note of the bulletin board for the time and date of the first meeting. A newly formed Radio Club met on Tuesday at the Broad Street buil- ding. The club is sponsored by Mr. Gilbert Ward. Anyone interested is urged to contact Mr. Ward at his earliest convenience. No previous knowledge of radio is required The Schnitzelbankverein has de cided to join the German Youth Ac tivities (GYA) project of the Youth Helps Youth program under the di rection of Lt. Col. Robert C. Hall of the U. S. Army Occupation Forces. This project operates through corres pondence between American and German youth groups of similar size, age and education. Its purpose is to bring the German youth in personal contact with American ideals through letters telling how we live and work National Campus Beauty Search Seeks "Miss All-American College Freshman" As part of the world premiere program for its forthcoming techni color comedy, "Mother is a Fresh man," Twentieth Century-Fox is of fering $lOO in cash to the freshman gal whose beauty and talent qualify her for the title, "Miss All-American College Freshman." The national search grew out of a poll taken by Twentieth Century-Fox some weeks ago when more than 200 college newspaper editors were asked to name the twelve schoolis where the greatest concentration of feminine pulchritude could be found. The lucky winner will also have the op portunity to win the grand prize of a one-week trip to Hollywood during the summer vacation recess. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN BREAK STREAK WITH TWO LOSSES The Swaithmore Center Five, the first team to inflict a defeat upon the Hucsters, arrived in Hazleton Feb. 9 with the intention of making it two straight. But they were completely outplayed and outclassed as the Huc sters went on a scoring spree in the second half to rout the nearly. Phila delphians 97-52. Overconfidence almost spelled de feat for the Rudmanites as they eased out a 77 to 69 'victory over the Keystone Center on Feb. 11., on the Scranton court in an extra period. Peter Garber and Jack Sipple pro vided the needed punch that enabled the locals to turn back the hame team for the second time this season. Altoona suppressed a late Hazle tonian rally to nose out the Rudman ites 59 to 57 in the A.D. Thomas gym Feb. 15. On the short end of a 32 to 24 score at the halftime, the Hucsters led by Billy Gardner and Chicky La monica came fighting back to knot the score at 44 all and then go on to grasp a slight edge. However, Altoo na, who needed to win to assure themselves of a berth in the playoffs, wrested the lead in the closing min utes and managed to keep two points ahead until the final gun. Gardner was high man with 22 points. Education is a conquest, not a be quest; it cannot be given, it must be achieved. The value of an education lies not in its possession but in the trouble to secure it. At a party there is always rum foi one more. under a democracy. Each and every American group may be considered an ambassador of our way of life. The club met on February 16 and on February 22 to decide plans for their first March meeting to be held on March 2 at the home of George Scheers in Hartland Park. Plans were also discussed for an outing with the campus German club some weekend early in May. The continuing officers of the Schnitzelbankverein for this semester are: President, George Scheers; Vice-president, Jean Lovrinic; Secre tary, H. Zelkoski; Treasurer, Arthur Koch. So wide and divergent were the opinions that it was decided to throw the contest open' to those schools which would be representative of each part of the country. Penn State has been selected as one of the com peting colleges. Lew Stone, editor of the campus Collegian, has informed the Hazleton Collegian that all the centers will have a nominee. The whiner in each center will participate in the final el imination to select the representative of Penn State in the national contest. • Watch the bulletin board for fur ther details of the nominating and election procedures. Information will be posted during the next few days and entry blanks will be available. SPORTSTUFF By DICK BAGBY Ray Kostick, the ever-alert basket eer who supplies his followers with a thrill a minute, names Beaver Mead ows as the one and only place for him. —Hubbert —Poe Ray six feet tall and sends the scale indicator spinning to the 180 mark. He was a member of the 1948 graduating class, Freeland,• Penna., where he was active in basketball, baseball and football. Throughout the day it seems that everyone. somehow or other notices Ray with his crew haircut and attrac tive attire and seeks to congratulate him on his brilliant offensive play when he pulled down a grand total of 44 points in a tilt with the Her shey five. Pottsville Swamped The Center quintet unleashed an other high-powered attack Wednes day night to overwhelm the Pottsville invaders with a score of 84-58. Peter Garber was high for the home club with seventeen markers. Kluba and Lasavage were high for Pottsville with fourteen and twelve points respectively. Ossie Prokopic's Jayvee squad atoned for their previous -defeat by Pottsville by knocking off the Potts ville Jayvees in the preliminary game 45-23. The Hu•csters will bring down the curtain on another successful basket ball season tomorrow night when they travel to York, Pa., to engage the second place York Junior College quintet in the last scheduled league game. This game, however, is the one termed by many as the one to see. The forces of Syd Rudman re pelled the Yorkites 7 9to 71 in a pre vious entanglement at the local gym nasium. Ray Kostick York Tomorrow HUCsters Defend Title At Dubois On March 4 and 5 the Rudmanites journey to Dubois to participate in the PJCAA Tournament. The tourna ment last year, which was held in Ha zleton, was won by the Center five. The newly elected co-captains, Pete Garber and Swish Talerovich, will lead the team in the defense of their title. The other participating teams will be: York Junior College, Altoona Center and the Dubois Center. The first scheduled games will find Hazle ton matched against the third place team in the first game Friday night. In the second game the second and fourth place teams will battle it out. On the following evening the winners of the previous games will vie for the championship. Teachers Upset In Charity Game In a game played for the benefit of the March of Dimes at the Weatherly High court Saturday night tkp strong Center quintet climbed all over the Bloomsburg STC Jayvees and emerged with a 69-43 triumph. The contest, witnessed by more than 500 regional basketball followers, was the main feature of the double header. After taking the lead in the early stages of the encounter, the Center combination seemed invincible and shrugged off every attempt made by the teachers. "Pistol Pete" •Garber continued to lead the attack of the blue and white by hitting the nets for twenty points. Ray Kostick, another Center depen dable, employed his shooting accur acy and contributed sixteen points-to the total. Some expert ball-handling and defensive work was displayed by "Bill" Gardner. The capable set-shot artist of the teachers, Al Degates, connected for five goals from the foul line to prove himself the only threat for the opposition. In a previous encounter between these two squads, the Center five was victorious. CLASSIFIED ADS LOST. Book which belongs to school library, "Saints and Sinners." Re turn to Ken Minchin. STUDENTS with sedans who wish to take riders to Pennsylvania Junior College Basketball Tournament in Dußois March 4 and 5 for . it nom inal fee, please see Syd Rudman. Students wishing rides to the tour nament and who are willing to share expenses see Syd Rudman as soon as possible. WANTED. A loyal and enthusiastic student body to support our defen ding champions at the Basketball Tournament at Dußois March 4 and 5. She: "You deceived me before our marriage. You told me you were well off." He: "I was but I did riot know it." —Froth Then there was the girl who soaked her strapless evening gown in coffee so it would stay up all niglit. Page Three —Froth