Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, April 05, 1948, Image 1

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    Extra! )et3teton
Vol. X (No. 10
Fall Scheduling Starts
Today; Must See Kostos
Goss To Interview
HUC Students
Starting today and lasting all this
week, all third semester students
who expect to return to HUC next
fall are asked to out a tentative
schedule for the next semester. The
students are to report to Frank C.
Kostos, assistant administrative head,
in his office. A schedule also has been
issued for students intending to
transfer to the campus or to some
other school. These latter students
will see Mr. Amos.Goss.
"This, is to. ; be done at the earliest
possible convenience," Kostos stated.
He added that office hours are avail
able in the main once ,. -at Walnut
A complete schedule for the rest
of the student body has been worked
out and may be found on the second
page of this extra edition of the Col
legian. The students are asked to
follow this schedule as closely as pos
sible so that there will be no confu
sion during the scheduling program
which will last during April.
It was also stated by Kostos that
students desiring to attend summer
school will have an opportunity to
discuss schedules for the summer
sessions at the same time the fall
curriculum is planned.
Transferring students whose last
names begin with letters A to H in
clusive are scheduled to see Mr. Goss
all this week. The remaining sched
ule will be fosnd also on the second
page of the extra.
This year's first joint meeting of
the Student Council and the Activi
ties Board will be held this afternoon
at 'five o'clock in the Library. It is
expected that the Student Council
will ask for a report on all student
activities expenditures made this
Also on the agenda for today's
meeting is the request for additional
funds by several organizations to be
used during the remaining weeks of
this semester.
A faculty committee on a planned
commencement here has been invited
to the session. The meeting will be in
charge of Sqphomore Class President
Frank Lucia.
Invite your friends and relatives to
the HUC open house Thursday and
Frank C. Kostos,
Ten. Students On
HUC Dean's, List;
35 More Cited
The Dean's List for 'the 1943
spring mid-semester ,period, as an
nounced by the office last week, in
eluded ten of the approXimately four
hundred students enrolled in the Un:
dergraduate Cener.
Those receiving the mid-semester
honors were: Harold Harris, Joella
McCarty,. Olen Kraus, Edward Pe
truska, Charles Miller, john Kaduk,
Jane Kenvin, Helen MCNally, Mur
ray Rothman, Stanley SitOki, John
Baker, and John Eidleman.H •
Although there were but • ten who
achieved grades worthy of the Dean's
recognition, there were many who
missed the mark by a small margin.
Those in this category are: Bernard
Yurick, Albert Rosen, Andrew Bo
zena, Mary Jane Gebhard, Conrad
Balliet, Theresa Zogby, John O'Don
nell, Leon Baden, Albert Ballots,
Anthony Basile, Charles Edwards,
John Moses, John Pericola, William
Sanko, Edward Sword, James Fisch
er, Charles Wilson, Leo Ravina, John
Wagner, Joseph Adams, Andrew
Dendler, Robert Thomas, George
Lenyo, Charles Andrews, Edward
Bresnock, George Demshock, John
MacMillan, David McNelis, Rita Mi
kula, George Patterson, June Rein
miller, Paul J. Rogan, Thomas Ro
gan, Theodore Schwartz and Claude
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HUC students have been urged by
Mr. E. Wallace McMullen and Miss
Margaret Campbell, supervisors of
the newly organized literary maga
zine, to be published approximately
on the first of May, to submit ag
many literary contributions to the
magazine officials as possible.
The competition, which is open to
all HUC students, affords the scholar
with an opportunity to display his
talents in the field of literatiire - by
writing either articles, poems, plays,
or short stories.
Except that the contributions must
be original, the sole requirement is
literary excellence.
The contributions, which are to be
judged by McMullen and Campbdii;
must be submitted on 8 1 / 2 " by 11"
paper, and must be copied in ink or
else typewritten. Contributions', dead
line is scheduled for April OA, 1'048.,
Open House will be held at HUC
Thursday .and.-_Fri..44Y Pvewings_ of
this week from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock.
Exhibits will be on , • - display' at both
buildings and the public has been in
vited here both nights.
Laboratory techniques will :be
demonstrated at Broad street 14
istudents and a class session will be
staged at Walnut street. All plans
for the two night project have been
in charge of Ralph Krecker.
A large display is being planned
by the ROTC unit here and it will
, equipment used 'by the HUC
t unit Along with this, all bther de
partments will have examples of the
section's activities.
A meeting of the representatives
of ;the Hazleton Undergraduate Cen-,
ter Intra-Mural softball teams will be
held this Friday in Walnut 17, at 12
It is desired that the leagbe will
consist of approximately six teams
consisting of no more than twenty
men per team.
A list of the names of team mem
bers will be submitted to Syd Rud
man at the meeting.
The equipment for the intra-mural
games, which are to be played on
the South Cedar street playgrounds,
will be provided by the Physical Edu
cation department of the Center.
It is anticipated that . a double
round robin form of competition will
prevail at the diamond battles.
At 'present the teams already en
tered into the league are the Swamp
ter's Greatest Asset :
an Uzmann
Made May Queen
Rest of Court Announced
Sophomore Jean Uzrnann was
named HUC May Queen Friday eve
ning at the Queen's Presentation
Dance held in St. John's Hall.
Theresa Zogby was named Maid of
The selection was the result of two
days of balloting here by the student
body. The project was conducted by
the- girls' sorority, and Mrs. Amos
Goss presented 'the 1948 queen and
her court during the—dance intermis
sion Friday night. The Sophomore
attendants are Graee Mcßride and
Margurite Rondish.' Freshmen at
tendants are Margaret Kohler and
Doris Bartol.
Other selections were: Pat Kringe,
`erown Bearer; Jonh Eid'elmann,
Scroll Bearer; Nancy Rowand, Heart
Bearer; Joella McCarty, Key - Bearer.
An honor arclf 'and a hemlock chain
Were selectetrfroni the rest of the
co-ed student' Body.
The May Coronation will be held
May 14, according to the semester
activities calendar, and this will be
followed by a dance. No arrange
ments have been made for this ac
tivity as yet, ,
Mrs. A. A. Goss, coach of the girls'
basketball team, announced that ef
forts are being made to schedule a
tilt between- the locals and the
Swarthmore U.C. girls' basketball
five in the near future.
The HUC five bowed to West Ha
zleton, Beaver Meadows, and Mary
wood, of. Screasm. return game
with Marywood will be played here
Outlaws, Krecker's Wreckers, Mrs.
G's CCCs, and the Freeland Aces.
All entries are to be submitted to
Rudman by April 8 at 5:00 p. .m.
Awards to the too teams in the
intra-mural competition will be in
the form of placques.
Mr. Frank Kostos, Assistant Ad
ministrative Head at HUC, pointed
out the lack of the use of catalogues
which explain in detail the necessary
courses a student should carry dur
ing his school year.
These catalogues, which are pub
lished by the Pennsylvania State
College, are available for students'
use at any time in the school library.
April 5, 1948