. 1 6 / 4 de College Ends Schedule With 15 Wins .HUC ENDS SEASON WITH BRILLIANT COURT RECORD In winning fifteen games out of the sixteen played, the Hazleton Un dergraduate Center courtmen turned in the most impressive cage record in the history of the local school. After losing their only P.J.C.A.A. game to York early in the season, the Center five went to work to win fourteen consecutive tilts without a setback. The most significant of these were a four-point victory over the Penn State Junior Varsity, the upset of York Junior College, and the lopsided 112-69 defeat of Key stone. 64.5 Average The Rudmanites ended up their season with an all-game offensive average of 64.5, and an all-game de fensive average of 47.5. However, the locals' scoring average in league 'competition is 66.2, while their league defensive average remains at Below is a compilation of the HUC cage record for the 1947-48 season: Opponent Alumni 51 York J.C. 53 Altoona J.C. 44 Dußois J.C. 41 Pottsville J.C. 52 Swarthmore J.C. 35 Dußois J.C. 48 York J.C. 43 Altoona J.C. 51 Hershey J.C. 47 Keystone J.C. 43 Pottsville J.C. 38 Hershey J.C. 39 Penn State J.V.'s 44 Swarthmore J.C. 52 Keystone J.C. 69 SPOT BROADCASTS ON WAZL SPORTS SHOWS For the past week and one half, the Hazleton Broadcasting Company has given air space to the Junior College tournament which opens this evening. Material for the spots were written by the college public relations department and were pre sented by the station's announcers. HUC Instructor's Wife Community Worker Mrs. Marion McMullen, wife of E. Wallace McMullen, HUC instructor in English, is serving as program director at Jukebox Junction, local youth canteen which is open Thurs day and Saturday evenings at the YW. The Y board selected Mrs. Mc- Mullen as a member of the staff in September. She is also an active participant in the latest recreational center in Hazleton, Club X. HAZLETON COLLEGIAN Jillo SPORTS HUC Cagers Select All-Opponent Team Len Bock Two York Junior College players, Len Bock (above) and Biros, were awarded berths on HUC's All-Oppo nent Team after a survey made by the COLLEGIAN sport staff. Others who placed on the team were Wal lace, of Swarthmore J.C., "Smiley" Kokoska, of Dußois J.C., and Rahn, of the Penn State JV's. Johnny Apichella, ex-HUC star, now with the Penn State Junior: Varsity, was placed on the second All-Opponent team along with Russ Snyder, York's ace .centerman. The choices for the HUCsters' All-Oppo nent Teams are: First Team Forwards—Bock, York J.C.; and Kokoska, Dußois J.C. Center Wallace, Swarthmore Guards Biros, York J.C.; and Rahn, Penn State JV's. Second Team Forwards Apichella, Penn State JV's; and Prebor, Keystone J.C. Center Snyder, York J.C. Guards Mohr, Hershey J.C.; and Fisher, Pottsville J.C. Third - Team Forwards Panopolis, Altoona J.C.; and Bozinski, Penn State JV's. Center Derr, Pottsville J.C. Guards Carter, Keystone J.C.; and Keenan, Dußois J.C. Did you ever notice the resem blance between John O'Donnell and Van Johnson ? SPORTSTUFF By LEON BADEN At 7:15 o'clock tonight the Penn sylvania Junior College State Cham pionship Basketball tournament will get underway with the HUCsters fa cing the third-place Pitt Undergrad uate Center of Johnstown in the first tilt . . . . The locals, boasting a won lost record of 15-1, are top-heavy favorites to take the visitors into tow without working up much of a sweat. COACH RUDMAN will in all proba bility start with the same line-up which amassed 112 points against Keystone Junior College last Satur day in the final league game of the season: RILEY and LAGANOSKY up front, PETE GARBER at center, and MUNROE and STRIKE at the guard posts. In the second game of the night, the second-place York Junior Col lege quintet that dropped its only league game of the season to Hazle ton is expected to swamp Altoona Junior College which ended the sea son in fourth place . . . Enthusiasm for the tourney is running so high at York that efforts are being made to have the game broadcast by the York radio station . . . Although we may be wrong, we think it is an unwise move to have the Johnstown- Hazleton game as a preliminary .... However, the money-wise and sports minded fans will stay to see the smooth-working York aggregation in action .... BIROS, BOCK and SNY DER are three of the most outstan ding players that the Rudmanites have faced all season .... Russ Sny der, incidentally, is the tallest player to take the hardwood for the tourna ment Snyder is the 6'6" York center. By way of prognostication we say that the finals tomorrow night will find HUC and York battling it out for State supremacy with HUC winning out by a five-point margin. Along with MR. ART SEIBEL, pub licity director for the tournament, this column extends a hearty vote of thanks to those who are making the success of the State Championship tournament possible: THE PLAIN SPEAKER - STANDARD SENTI NEL, T•HE HAZLETON SUNDAY TIMES, THE HAZLETON BROAD CASTING COMPANY, THE HA ZLETON CITY SCHOOL BOARD, JERE WOODRING & COMPANY, and the publicity directors of the participating junior colleges. Good luck to HUC, York, Johns town, and Altoona, and may the best team win! See you at the HHS gym tonight. • - • Tops HUC Scoring With 195 Points "Pistol Pete" Garber, ex-Weather ly High court ace, leads the HUC cagers in scoring with 195 points. Garber trailed Statz Laganosky by two counters going into the last game of the regular season against Keystone Junior College, but the lanky .pivotman went on a 30 point spree to wind up with top honors. Following Garber in• scoring is Laganosky with 183, Captain Johnny Riley with 171, and Jimmy Munroe with 160. Shuptar, Hutnyan, Strike, and Talarovich all added timely tal lies to aid the locals in their drive for the league championship. Player Games F.G. Fls. Pts. Garber 16 78 39 195 Laganosky -- 16 81 21 183 Riley 16 75 21 171 Munroe 15 65 30 160 Shuptar 16 30 16 76 Hutnyan - --- 12 26 17 69 Strike 14 24 7 55 Talarovich -- 11 15 4 34 Narusewicz - 9 6 3 15 4 4 3 11 6 2 2 6 4 1 1 3 Dobra - Martin Corrigan Hazleton Ref To Serve In Tourney Bill Kramer, local cage official, will be one of the four referees to work the four-game junior college series to get under way at the Hazle ton High School gym this evening at 7:15 o'clock. Kramer will handle the second game this evening along with Chet Rogowitz of Pottsville. Completing the list of regional referees to serve in the tournament (Continued on page four) Try This Brain Teaser Match the Sport with the Player 1. Ken Sailors ( ) 2. Bobby Lane ( ) 3. Lavern Roach ( ) 4. Al Gionfrido ( ) 5. Maurice Tillet ( ) 6. Bill Tilden ( ) 7. Sam Byrd ( ) 8. Eulace Peacock ( ) 9. Willie Hoppe ( ) 10. Bill Schindler ( ) 1. Wrestling 2. Baseball 3. Racing 4. Golf 5. Tennis 6. Boxing 7. Basketball 8. Football 9. Track 10. Billiards Answers on page four.
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