Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, January 28, 1948, Image 1
Center's Greatest Need: I NEW AND MODERN a3tetort BUILDINGS Vol. X. No. 8 HUC TRANSFERS 89 STUDENTS TO CAMPUS LEISURE TIME CLASSES BEGIN FEBRUARY 16 Mr. Amos Goss, Administrative Head of HUC, has announced the in itiation of a "Leisure Time Night Training Program" to begin on the evening of February 16, 1948 in the Walnut Street School Building, un der the direction of HUC instructors. Miss Anna Erlemann is the chairman of the committee for the preparation of this school. A tentative list of courses to be offered are: English Usage for Adults, Radio Script Writing, Begin ning Spanish, Beginning German, Pennsylvania Geology, Survey of Botany, Survey of Chemistry, and Survey of Mathematics. The fee is three dollar's a course, each course lasting eight weeks. Classes will be held two evenings a week, Monday and Wednesday, seven to nine o'clock, in the scheduled rooms of the registrants. Instructors for these courses will be: Miss Anna Erlemanu, Miss Mae Fauth, Miss Emma Phillips, Miss Grace Thomas, Miss Margaret Camp bell, Mr. Arthur Seibel, Mr. Arthur Carpenter, Mr. Hobson Zerbe and Mr. John Carr. HUC Students In Community Drama Several HUC students will be fea tured in "MR. AND MRS. NORTH", the next major production of the Ha zleton Little Theatre, which will be presented at the West Hazleton High School Auditorium on North Street in the borough on Tuesday and Wed nesday, February 3 and 4. Jack Wagner, Chemistry major, will portray Inspector O'Malley who is annoyed because a cat is involved in a possible solution to a murder mystery. The high pressure Fuller Brush man who argues with Mrs. North about the difference between the stiffness of a brush and a broom will be played by Al Christie, a freshman. George Gorda, who will complete his studies at HUC this semester, will be seen in the role of Ben Wilson, a mysterious friend of Mr and Mrs. North. A policeman and a medical examiner will be played by Daniel Alampi and Siegmund Knies respect ively, while Dan Wargo will portray the title role of Mr. North. Other HUC students who are as- sisting in the production are Eugene Bogdon, Clarence Sipple, Dick Evans„ John Perna and Wilbur Smith, as well as E. Wallace Mac- Mullen of the faculty HAZLETON UNDERGRADUATE CENTER, HAZLETON, PA LEAVING HUC AFTER FIRST SEMESTER The five members of the COLLEGIAN Staff leaving HUC after the first semester are shown in the newspaper office. Pictured, standing left to right are : Guy O'Hazza, Ray Saul. Seated, Francis Fatsie, Marguerite Rondish and Bernard Dvcrscak. FAREWELL DANCE JANUARY 30th On January 30 the Student Activ ities Board is going to sponsor a dance in honor of the students who are leaving at the end of this semes ter. Each student may invite one guest to the affair, which will be free and informal. It has been arranged for Art Wendel's orchestra to play for it at St. John's Hall. Let's have a good turnout to make this dance one these cadets won't forget. Girls' Bowling Meeting this Wednesday night at the Playhouse Bowling Alleys, the coeds of H.U.C. will organize a bowling league. The girls plan to meet each Wednesday thereafter with each team competing for top honors. Anyone interested in bowl ing in the league is asked to be pres ent at the meeting. Art Exhibition Mr. Carpenter wishes to announce an, art exhibition being held in Room 1 at Broad Street. 0 4 0 Center's Greatest Asset: ~e 4,3;) C ti egtan VITAL PROGRESSIVE SPIRIT 6 HUC Physics Laboratory Complete By GEORGE DEMSHOCK Making its debut with the Chem istry Laboratory ten years ago, the Physics Laboratory, located in the Broad Street Section of HUC, is by far one of the most complete of its kind had by any Junior College in Pennsylvania. In its present state the lab is capable of accomodating approximately 125 students. Unlike the equipment of the Chemistry Lab, the Physics Lab equipment is of a more permanent type. In a single experiment, one student alone may utilize equipment totaling two or three hundred dollars. Adequate equipment will be had by this department to handle all students desirous of taking this course, when the supplies on order arrive. Commensurate with the high stan dards of this laboratory are our very competent instructors: Mr. Mattern, Mr. Levine and Mr. Coburn. From the laboratory's formation, up until the present time, it has kept its status quo, never lowering its January 28, 1948 Fifty-Two Engineers Apply For Transfer The end of the fall term will wit ness the largest single complement of students leaving HUC and trans fering to the main campus at State College. From the list of eighty nine applicants there are a total of fifty-two engineers. The break-down of this group re veals electrical engineering as the field considered most desirable with nineteen students registered. Next in line is mechanical with sixteen. Civil, industrial, chemical and aeronautical engineering follow in that order with seven, five, three, and two students respectively. In the field of liberal arts the situ ation is similar. The largest single division of liberal artists is registered as LD. There are twenty in number. Journalism boasts of two enthusiasts. Commerce and finance has seven; psychology PV and DH has one each. In the field of medicine there is one medical technician for each of our two doctors to be. Topping the list of engineers is Ralph Pecora whose scholastic abili ty is matched only by that of Olemn Krauss. Krauss, a chein physicist, will remain at HUC another semes ter. Other outstanding engineers are Michael Romanelli, John Boyes, Jo (Continued on Page 4) Art Instructor Is Honored Arthur Carpenter, HUC art in structor received word that his oil painting, "Gethsemane", was repre sented in the Thirteenth Annual New Year Show, conducted by the Butler Art Institute in Youngstown, Ohio. Carpenter's painting was one of 209 chosen from 1,398 submitted by 535 artists. The_ following is an exerpt from the Exhibit Manual: "Members of the Selection Committee, Zolton Eephesy and Philip. Evergood, were impressed with the fact that it at tracted entries from the best artists of a seven-state area. Their unani mous conviction that this 1948 re gional annual is a powerful show needs no comment." Literary Magazine Any third or fourth semester stu dent who is transfering to the Cam pus in February and is interested in contributing to the Literary Maga zine, which is being planned for the Spring Semester, please contact Mr. McMullin before January 31st. educational standards. During the five retarding years of war when ma terial was at a premium, these standards were maintained, another proverbial feather in HUC's hat.