Center's Greatest Need: NEW AND MODERN a3teton BUILDINGS Vol. X. No. 7 XMAS SEMI-FORMA HOTEL ALTAMONT; Pottsville Reception Is Huge Success The Pottsville reception was held last night at the social rooms of the Y.M.C.A. The affair was held in honor of the Pottsville rooters who followed the team. The attendance, which was made up of the students of the Pottsville Undergraduate Cen ter and th . e students and faculty of the HUC, was large. Refreshments were served, and dancing was en joyed. The committee of students who were responsible for the success of the affair are as follows: Decorations: C. Maurer, R. Saul, F. Fatsie and C. Edwards. Refreshments: C. Sipple, Z. Mo raski, T. Zogby, I. Smith and M. Deitch. Center Club At Penn State Campus By GEORGE DEMSHOCK Here at HUC we are unaware of the large number of extra-curricu lar activities which take form at the Penn State Campus. Among all, though, one is most noteworthy as it applies directly to the Center stu dents. This outstanding organization, known as the "Center Club", gets the "green" center students to break the ice at the campus by holding dances and other social affairs in order to familiarize him with the go ings-on and to acquaint him with some of the other class members. If the student goes to the campus from any Junior College other than one of the four Undergraduate Cen ters located in Hazleton, Altoona, Pottsville, and Dubois, he is not eligi ble to become a member of this club. So you, as individuals, when upon completion of your semesters here, plunge into advance study at the Campus, it is well to realize with a note of thanks that this organization will help you get into the swing of campus life. TO ALL STUDENTS Faculty members urge that all students take advantage of the advisor-advise plan used at the Undergraduate Center. Many of the teachers fear that students do not take as much interest in their grades as they should, pointing out that students have been extremely slow in checking with their advis ors about grades and course of study for the following semester. HAZLETON UNDERGRADUATE CENTER, HAZLETON, PA Two Buildings Better Than None Not to contradict the words of such an eminent person as Abe Lin coln, but we think that HUC for be ing a house divided, is standing quite well. The older part, Broad Street building and our Old Main, you might say, was discovered by most of us when we registered in September. Now many of us, particularly engin eering students, attend several clas ses there. The old building, formerly a Hazleton school house and later the Center's second location in Hazleton, is not much to look at now but its creaking steps could tell us much about the Center's past activities and progress. Be it ever so humble, Broad Street with its bubbling test tubes, microscopes, T-squares, and what have you, has much more to offer students than some elaborate marble edifice dedicated to educa tion. TEMPTATION TOO GREAT FOR THIEVES IN THE NIGHT Miss Margaret Campbell, School Librarian, informed this office last week that several books have been missing from the shelves of the Li brary for sometime. This situation will not be allowed to continue, ac cording to Miss Campbell, and meas ures will be taken to recover the lost books. Ironically enough, one is en titled "Temptation in the Night". McMullen Plans Literary Club Mr. McMullen is planning a Li terary Club at the Hazleton Under graduate Center. The primary activity of the Literary Club will be to collect original student prose and poetry for the publication in a ma gazine. For further details please consult Mr. McMullen or the next edition of the COLLEGIAN. 141 A s) z.N,'llt‘ Center's Greatest Asset: 1\=2: 1 .,:7 ou e ad t din VITAL PROGRESSIVE SPIRIT • L TONIGHT AT 9:00; ART WENDEL'S BAND To Participate In Anniversary Mass The choir of St. John's Greek Catholic Church will sing at the sol emn high Mass, 10:30 A. M., on Dec. 21. The special occasion is to cele brate with Father Nicholas Martyak, his fortieth anniversary as pastor of that churcli. Included in this A Capella Choir will be Mary Claypotch, Rita Mikula, Steve Shutovich and Bob Dobra. All are members and take an active part in HUC Glee Club. "Engineer" On Sale In Our Library A new policy on sale of "THE PENN STATE ENGINEER" is in effect here. The publication was for merly sold in the drawing classes, but will now be available for all purchas ers who desire it at the school li brary. The exact day on which the magazine will be sold will be noted on the board. Mr. Pavone, instructor in Engineering, will distribute the ENGINEER to his drawing classes as he has done in the past. MR. BROADLEY, former instruc tor of Composition at HUC last year has received an appointment at the University of Maryland. MISS SCARNECCHIA, former instructor of speech at HUC last year, and moderator of the Penn State forums on the air, has received an appointment at Purdue Univer sity. The Collegian wishes to ex press the sympathy of the student body to Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. May upon the death of their son Richard, a former student of HUC. December 48, 1947 Joe "Santa" Fisher At Reins Of Semester's First Semi-Formal The Hotel Altamont's ballroom to night will produce a scene worthy of any ° great ballroom in New York City or Washington, D. C. when the annu al Christmas semi -formal, sponsored by the International Relations Club, gets under way tonight, Dec. 18. This will be the first semi-formal af fair of the school year at HUC and its sponsors, endeavoring to make it a fondly remembered evening, are leaving nothing unturned in their efforts to make it a truly great occa- With the Harvest Moon Ball a de cided success last month, President Fisher of the International Relations Club, and the committee appointed by him are striving to make tonight's affair an even bigger success and all indications point to their being on the right track. As an indication of their efforts, they have not only been able to se cure the Altamont's ballroom, but also the services of Art Wendel and his orchestra. These two factors in themselves should assure the success of any social event, but in addition, President Fisher has disclosed that extensive decorations have been planned by a committee headed by Hugh Close and Jean Uzmann, The Christmas season should get a rousing welcome from the students of HUC. All that is needed now to make the dance a complete success is the presence of the students them selves and their guests. Once again it is emphasized that while there will be no charge to stu dents for the dance, matriculation cards will be absolutely necessary for admittance. HUC Students Sing In "The Messiah" On Sunday, December 28, at 7:38 P. M., the Senior Choir and guest members of Emmanuels Reformed Church will present George Handel's oratorio, "The Messiah". Among the choir of 35 voices are Jane Kenvin, Dick Evans and Leroy Hinkle, students of HUC. All three are doing active work in the HUC Glee Club. Also included in this choral group are Doris Goldsworthy, Albert Keller and David Keller, who have at one time studied at HUC and are now matriculating at the Penn State Campus. Miss Goldswor thy was a member of the HUC Glee Club and the latter were members of the HUC Band.
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