Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, February 28, 1942, Image 4
"t01.5 r Nc.B Sprechen Sie Deutch? That is what the night classes taught by Mr. Chase are asking each other* "Military German' or "How to Understand the World Situ ation" is"the subject for consideration and.study• A fundamental knowledge of German is advisable although not a ne cessary requisite for the course. The popular language Spanish has been a night course subject for some time. The twelve students under the tyt< lags of Mr. Brentin at® rapidly absorb ing advanced conversational Spanish* Maybe you think three hours one night'a week: are not enough to learn anything, but they seem to be doing it- * and quite ably too. Continuing the first semester's work in E.S.M.D.T., we now have thirtee; courses of three and one half hours eac Over three hundred and fifty men have enrolled in the various courses which include Elementary and Advanced Engin eering Drafting, Foundations of Engin eering 1 and 2, ‘Metallurgical Inspectio: and many others. All of these offered courses are valuable in Defense Work} the Center is doing its share in preparing individ uals to fill the necessary positions. The classes are not all held in the Center building, but are scattered . throughout the city in various conven ient buildings including the Hazleton High School. The Center Fraternity, the Phi Delta Phi, has seventeen pledgees who will be issued initiations this evening at a meeting which will be held at the Y.M.C.A. beginning at 7joo P.M. The' frat "Hell Week" is to be next week, from March 9-13 inclusive. The initiate ceremony will bo concluded by A dinner party on the evening of Friday, March 1 Penn State Cei AT SIGHT FRATERNITY er, Hazleton ADVICE TO THE LOVEWORN by UNCLE PETE Dear Uncle Peter, . I have a problem, but good. You no doubt have heard that many people have suffered from the national emergency,but Imust' have hit the jackpot* You see,first the navy .took one of my boy-friends and just last week my main heart-throb was drafted. What should I do? Jean Banks Dear" Jean Dunks, I personally don't know how to solv.® your problem, but I will b® glad to furn ish a list of. eligible bachelers who are exempt, or too ypung to be drafted. It is better to be a cradle-robber than to be an old maid. FROM THE POET'S CORNIER "When God gave out hoses I thouht he said hoses And I said give me a red When God gave out ears I thought he said beers And I said give m@ & big When God gave out brains I thought h 4 said trains And I missed mine. Ain't-I a mess?" stringent' than those of any other state* Nevada marriage laws are so radically different that Reno has become the clearing house for derelict marriages., A drivers license cost twenty-five cents in Georgia'and is free in lowa, while Pennsylvania charges one dollar. These social evidences of our disunity certain ly won't hamper our war effort directly, but they contribute to the national pic ture; and taey have a telling effect dn, the morale of many of us. »i ' t < Page -1