Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, February 28, 1942, Image 3

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    Y 01.5, No,B
Closing the 194=1-1942 basketball
season, the Center ployed three hard
games in as many nights and won one out
of the three.
The first game was played against
a hard-fighting, stubborn M.M.I, team.
At the half the ":H Mining “ was ahead,
but our boys come through in the crucial
moment of the game to beat the "Preppers
by a score of 51-53,
'Traveling to Bloomsburg on Friday
night, the Huosters met the Bloomsburg
J.V.’s and played at the new oourt of th=
State Teachers* College, It -was a nip
and tuck battle in the first half, * .»
Bloomsburg leading by a score of 16-20,
but in. the last half the Teachers got
the range of the basket and went to town
to defeat the Huosters '3B-22,
After ooming from the Bloomsburg
game, the boys wore up at the crack of
dawn on Saturday morning to go to State
College, Arriving at the Campus, the Cen
ter ites met and were defeated by a tall,
rangy Frosh team. At the half the Frosh
were ahead by a large score,rand thoy
didn’t stop until they beat the Hucsters
And so the season was concluded,
and although ire were below the " 500 "
average ( 5 out of 12 games), the season
was for the most part successful, consid
ering the competition the boys encounter
ed, Against fair competition, as in the
P.U.C. games - of which we won two out
of three - the boys reallv showed their
stuff. And now oomes the swan song ”
of such stalwarts as McNelis, Klemow,
Cheppa, and Bruch. All we can say is,
“Well done, fellows! ", and'*May the up
and coming freshmen follow your skillful
and sportsman-like example!"
vitVst f.
Penn State Center ? . Hazleton
There was a flying cadet at the
Center a week ago, renewing old and making
lew acquaintances, Where were you, girls?
Unole Sam whistled and Charlie came
running. The Center will miss this hand
some and cheerful lad.
The movie, lt Woman of the Year ", has
as one of its characters a Greek refugee,
Every one is questioning Alex about a poss-
„ Harriet Breisch left for home last
Thursday night, instead of waiting till
Triday. She told us she had to have her
glasses changed, but we wonder.
There is a fortune-teller attending
;he Center, She knows all, sees all, and
;ells all. Sometimes they c-J.l her " Nib
ey B .
There’s a co-ed in our midst who
lever cuts classes, argues with the in
structors, or returns milk bottles to the
Same room. Beware of Mr, Herpel, Anellai
Charles Spencer’s popularity I.Q,
mong Center co-eds is 150!
Jaoqueline n and Nancy had a marvelous
;ime at State College last week-end. Was
•t the place or the company ?
Durbaok would gave an octopus compe-
Ition —— using * all arms at once!
Wearing slacks to school seemfl t© be
a new fad among certain young women. Sup
pose the boys started to wear skirts, silk
stockings, and (Heaven forbid!) high
heeled shoes, Howr -would the young ladies
feel ? Wouldn’t they say a lot more than
"" Pardon me, Madame, but I think you
need a shave "2
Messrs., Brentin and Chase go steady!
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