Designed and Revised by Dr. X. Coldpress Killjoy, State Pen Univ, Number. * Professional Affliction. ..(Omit the rest) Instructions: Write on one side of the paper only. Do all scratch work on head.. Make all answers brief and to the point; however, if an answer comes out even, make it pointless. Blank sheets will be allowed 5.P°i n, fc s or neatness. Veterans of previous classes will be given a s~point handicap. If all of your answers are wrong, you will be given 90 points for honesty. Do not speak to your neighbor unless you know how to, do a problem; m such a case; both of you should study your textbook together. You will have 0/200.- 5..4 1 minutes to get out. READ LEISURELY AND BE SURiii NOT TO THINK. 1. Simplify: I+l 2. A man's home is 100 yards away. Directly across the street, which is 15 yards wide,is a store. Construct the right triangle (otherwise it will be the wrong one) and find the length of the hypotenuse. Answer: 4 b**rz 3. If x stands for the amount of work a Trig prof can do per day and Y for the amount an Algebra prof can do, show that: 4. A man rides 6 blocks beyond his stop. The bus turns around a corner, making an angle of 6o° with theoriginal direction. Then he proceeds 5 more blocks and makes a left turn at an angle of 34° with the vertical. Assuming no responsibility, why didn't the man get off at his stop? 5. If a student and a half can do a problem and a half, how many students does it take to do a problem? Answer: 5 Hand in your answer sheet as you enter the room. Do not leave after that. The attendants will see that your strait jacket is comfortably adjusted. If you have to, you have to, but wait until the end of the exam. ERRONEOUS -SELP-CONSUMINC- TESTS OP MUSCULAR ABILITY Pinal Examination—MATHEMATlCS—lntended for Instructors 7;cV 39Z%h 86x- S j4%> 78 4% if }7G'X S and Others Similarly Affected Date of Graduation. ERRATA Answer: 2 Student's grade Answer: A blond
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers