November 25, 1941 Clubbing It (cont'd.) the darkroom were ordered including one of the latest types of Kodak snfelights. The Organisation held at party at the Kieft's home, which Mrs. Rieft very graciously invited then to use. A iota 1 of twenty-three persons attended the party. In an amiable atmos phere they played pinochle, bridge,ana Chinose cbeCKor s . The Chew, 20 Club, a brand now Cen ter organization, was invited to a party by Dr. Kieft at his hone on the evening •>f the twenty-first. All records for hil arity, congeniality, and pure fun pre- viously held by my Center hereby decreed cancelled and void, or the word of your newsboy must, of necessity, be doubted. One of the games involved blowing ?. column of water as high c.s possible tlirough a glass tube. Michael Cheppa was decreed the best blower when he forced the column to a•hight of nearly eight feet. The Sketch Club held several meet ings with Mr. Isenterg as advisor. Al though only eight people have shown int erest in the club, it is progressing very well now that Mr. Isenberg is giving in structions in sketching to the various members. The Dramatic club appears to bo headed for high places, but at the time it is '.waiting untill certain -material can bo acquired. 'iiltogother, interest, in the Center organisations has been Ve)fy go jd during the peat a ovum 1 weeks Inq. it is hoped thc.t this interest will end flourish throughout the icoho.-l term. Surely at .least one of ihfef club's should hold the interest of r \ center student Phewl 1 i \j f i Ha zleton. Collegian •affair are • **.*/ Did You Know George Linnett still cl the meaning of/(fbnoxi aus . Jerry Xalbach disobeys on fo:.s conservation. He goo ovary night. Host fellows are tryi: girl f..,r the. dance. "Fugy" to pick names out of a. hat Srnokey McNelis claims ardent member of "The Lone. But what : b :ut those frequ Jean Eichlor? Pomothing must ha.V' create that ciro&my look in eye. And it isn’t ’’all worl< ' Cause!'that makes Hick a ck Lb Si.ov A 1 Berg escort movies. C >uld it have been ah,at do outside girls Center lassies lack? It aus special if the fev girls g, dance { any indication of Adeline Define won't t importing for the dance. Ac latest reports it's a toss-' of them. That mysterious '!-s.toa Marco has turned out to bo Melvin Long. These Freeland, people sticking to homo talent. A Sholtis does-; we hear lie's Cora.sze to the dance. Quotation from English "Themes are made by fools 3 only God can utiko n "5"." va ho«r that Irv r einl receiving mail from a cert;: who lives in New .Jersey. iil Bishop isn't gotti s to th