tfoveriber 2‘j, 19^-1 Centering Around The Altoona Center hes a program of student activities varied enough to fulfill the extracurricular desires of every individual.. For those interested in athletics, /basketball is of course the outstanding snort* In addition there are bowling, boxing, and baseball— a vide variety of Sports for the boys* tfe are delighted to discover that Altoo na has a boxing team* As you know, we have a team, that is coming along nicely. Perhaps a match can be arranged* Who can tell? Altoona women confine their athletic prowess to tenuis, ping-pong, swimming, hiking, and skating. Uon-athletic activities are also provided for. There is a which welcomes both experienced players and beginners. For those who have dra matic aspirations, there is the Altoona .Little Theater Group, which is open to townspeople as well as to students. The delightful comedy, flight Must Fall, is being produced at present. The glee club and the orchestra are the most popular ■'• i 'wical organisations at the Center. The Altoona students publish month ly a pictorial newspaper, which, we must admit, far outdoes our own. The paper has columns on student activities, a column of gossip, a column reviewing popular records, and one introducing a member of the student body to his fel lows. (tcfi-fnr/o-f. — t%fc& — }■ si HV^ A / / Dk»Li '£ M ‘~~ jt./'? , f'9 QJtJa u Jhl J *l7?a/£ >.. ft Q. sh >i» eft Ct. oTa « c -4! .&1 itt&aJz. /•«.-<■» v;/, £ io-.j/oh )// a rv: ct 4'. - - s '~B) asi‘usch r ±vk t N. 2)ety. d- HcLrih 9. Hazleton Collegian Introducing as our victim this week the man who'won't confess to his Zoology class, why the nucleus is begind prison in the cell)--’Dr. “Harold Mclivaine. Ohi So you recognize the name. (As if those who zipped his course didn't.) Yes* ih the zooiogy and psychology” classes and throughout the school Mclivaine is a household word. Quote! "Will he flunk me?" “Will he pass me?" "Will I have him next semester?" But, students, "Doc 1 * is a regular fellow, ever ready to help a baffled scholar. Dr, Mclivaine was born in Altoona, (censored)years ago. He went to school as did all the other little boys, and after many, many years of diligent study he finally graduated. His higher edu cation was acquired at Penn State. Happy was the day in 1933 when Harold Mclivaine received his B.A O Add to that two more happy days in 1939 — on ®» tlie day he re ceived his Ph.D.; two, the day he married, (cont'd p. 4) L Sft/ P e ge ?. QiJ'iS, Dp Phijlv.) tv>!