11/41 Our singles ping-pong tournament has come to a very exciting finish, the star and old champ, Sid Klemow, breezed in to take first place, with Jack Maher a close second...,, i By way, the 4gjfM.es tournament, which started yesterday, should produce some sizzling competition? and soon you will see some of the new "paddle slappers airing their latent talents. The old, yet thrilling game game of basketball appears to be a great asset to H.U.U. Last year's dribblers— Smokey McNelis, Charles Bruch, Mike Cheppa, and Sid Klemow will be in there showing all newcomers the so-called "ropes". Larry KOenigsberg, "Knobby Lynch, and Bob Holtzefaw have shown themselves to be prominent young upstarts. The Boxing Club has caused a tremendous disturbance in school recently. Charles Vitabile, our very sturdy Freshman Class President, with Harris Hilbert and Jim Sauers, has been desperately trying to raise hinds for equipment. Vitabile claim; that ’'-is bnti-q/i:. si .ply tr.>ciAis. I'd hate to see Hoovis after meeting Vitabile in a dark alley. Bowling hit a new high last Thursady evening, with the porsistant student team battling against the almighty faculty. The players on the student team were: Lois long, Amelia De Marco, Jacqueline Kistler, Maion Lewis, Naomi Bastuscheck, Joan Danks and Harriet Breisch. The faculty team were? Mrs Taylor, Mrs. Thorpe Mrs. Keift, Wilinson, Miss Florence Wilkinson, Mis Edna and Eleanore De Gatis. The students lost the tournament to the tune of 498 to 525. The outstanding play er on the faculty team was Mrs. Keift, high scorer on tho defeated team was Mar ion Lewis. Mr. David B. Pugh, Supervisor of Undergraduate Centers, will come to Hazleton Wednesday for his annual visit with the faculty. There will be a din ner meeting at the Altamont Hotel, fol lowed by a conference at the home of Mr. Herpel. Sports Hazlet Collegian Today, more than over before, good speech is a prime factor in social and vocatiohal advancement. It is due to * Js e ver-growing speech consciousness the v colleges everywhere now maintain Speech clinics, and offer many speech courses. Dr. Koepp-Baker and his staff, who visit ed our Center on October 50th, are part of the speech clinic of The Pennsylvania State College, which comprises one of the largest clinics of its kind in the country. According to Dr. Koepp-Baker, the purpo e of his vi it was to locate students who are handicapped by speech defects, and to recommend way of core*- recting these impediments. He highly fev ors the taking of speech courses by all students, regardless of their curriculum. He demonstrated the advisibility of this action even for students in technical curricula. u e pointed out that, although in past years an en; ineer was expected to know mathematics only, together with the sciences, today, he like tho teacher, must be capable of fluent c nversation. Only if an individual is a commanding speaker will he readily succeed in sat isfying his employer, his clients and his friends. V'Jhen asked to comment on the speech of the Hazletsn U dergraduate Center students, Dr. Koepp-Baker replied that their speech was on a par with that of other student bodies, but that a larger than- average number had their diction impaired by " foreignisms. " In closing,.. ! he wished to remind the students that j any of the twenty-five speech courses ! offered at the campus is worth taking, J since the ability to speak well is essen tial in any field. Speech Clinic Official Bulletin Dr. C. C. Wagner, Director of the Lower Division and Assistant to the Dean, will be at the Center on Thursday, November 13. Students who wish to consult Dr. . Wagner concerning academic matters either here or on the main campus may do so by making appointments with Mr. Herpel, on Wednesday, for some time between 9 and page 4