Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, November 11, 1941, Image 2
floveraber IX, 1941 __ Student Opinion A survey of student opinion has shown that the printed newspaper is preferred to the present form of the "Collegian". Of course the "slide" has its ad vantages. It is more popular with the students because it looks more collegiate - more like a grown-up production. It is possible to use cuts in a slick, while only caricatures can be mimeographed. Also, a printed paper is in booklet form; the pages are like those of a real newspaper. A slick also makes possible real head lines because of various sizes of type. i However, the mimeographed paper has several advantages over the slick. First of all, it is very economical. Another point in its favor is the fact that the new.s is fresh when it reaches the student, - it is "hot off the press". The issues can come out more often, too. The mimeographed paper also requires less time from the staff; for with it no one has to run around trying to get advertisements. Upon weighing both sides carefully, the staff has come to the following decision: we plan to have two or three issues of the slick, which wilt appear intermittently throughout the year, in addition to the mimeographed issues. Staff Editorial Board- Editor-in-chief Ass't Editors Reporters Bastascheck Danks Long Berg DeMaf'co Lewis Breisch Bilbert Marusak Brennan Kistler Pinger Swankoski Advisors Eacult Miss Saby Mr. Chase Mr. Taylor Hazleton C Bernard L. Zelman Irr R. Weinberg Haney J. Yost George E. Sholtis ioliegian "I had a date with a dream" is Sid Klemow's favorite expression. We’re still trying to find out who the dream is. Danville hods special interest for Vic Martini. From what we hear she’s plenty hot all right. Jean Danks roots for Penn instead of Penn State. Two years is a long time to stick to one guyl Have you noticed the "howling" that comes from the game room? Smokey McNelis has it down to perfection. Chuck Cowell escorted a cute blond to the Hallowe'en party. But where did he hide her? Maybe she was afraid of the Center wolves! Lois' party costume captured quite a few hearts at the Hallowe'en party - especially Birke's - he even took her home. A 1 Bishop is commonly known as "the Great Lover". Who is she, Al? Have you noticed that Barney Feich ard never looks at a girl? We hear Kay has spies in town. That Pottsville trip certainly affect, ed Jaqueline. She was enraptured with the results of the student dance. Have you heard rumors of a party to be held at the home of Miss DeFina? From what we've heard it's to be rather exclusive. But definitely! Andrew Marusak likes to live at home. We Bet(ty) a certain Weber is the reason Said one student to the other, "Vlho do you have for English, 'Pearls of Y J .u dom'?" Said the other student to the one "Wo, I have a 'hunk of heaven.'" Bill Adkins does a lot of sighing over a certain little valley lass. Coni petition for Maderick. Did You Know page u.