Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, October 13, 1941, Image 1
laLuXuJ&u-I. r d / \ /ft —y> J»IHG POiTG TOimiTAMKTT STARTS NEXT THURSPAY 'Charles Vitabile, chairman of the Student Council Committee on Athletics announced today that the first of a series of ping-pong tournaments will get under way next Thursday, October l 6» Only singles will "be played. Entrants are requested to give their names on a sheet of paper to Charles Bruch, Jack Maher, or Charles Yitabile before 4 o’clock Wednesday. The contest schedule will be posted Thursday morning. All prelim inary games up to, but not including, the quarter finals have to be played before Tuesday, October 21. w tv Tty NOW IS THE TIME The Boy's Quartet has been organ ized and is holding practice sessions; a swing hand is getting under (s)way; football enthusiasts at least have a hall; a ping-pong tourney is in the off ing; the "Collegian is beginning tc function; the Women's Club has elected officers and has outlined plans for fall activities. But what about you would-be artists, photographers, bridge players, glee clubbers, and other riders Of a hobby? The "Frosh Bible" gives you a brief summary of extra-curricular activities at the Center in past years. If YOU are interested in seeing any of the clubs re organized or new ones started, gather together some like-minded friends, talk it over with an interested faculty ad viser, and get started NOW. CUSTOMS CHANGE TODAY Starting today, freshmen will be ex pected to demonstrate for any dubious sophomore their knowledge of Penn State songs and cheers. This custom will be continued for two weeks. Prosh will of course continue to supply matches to upperclassmen; to wear their dinks, tipping them upon request; and to carry their "bibles" (no strings attached). Except for such elite members of the freshman class as Winnett, name cards are no longer required. TRIBUNAL TO MEET FRIDAY Court will resume Friday night at 7» The place will again be the social rooms of the YMCA. The reception committee re ports that the list of "honored" guests is not as yet complete. They promise, however, that no one will be slighted.