Hazleton collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1937-1956, March 01, 1940, Image 3
March, 1940 Hucsters Tied For 3rd Place In League Dubois, Pottsville Tied For Lead Among Centers Tied for first place in the Inter- Center League are Dußois and Pottsville. Both teams have lost only one .game, this season, and then losing to each other. The Hazleton Undergraduate Center has won two games out of six played, and is tied for third place with Altoona and Uniontown. Setting the pace for high scoring this season is "Fritz” Veneroso, who has 75 points to his credit. Next in line is "Rochester” Pro copio who has scored 51 points. At the "fifteen foot” mark "Fritz” is also leading the Hucsters, having made 11 points. For second place both Saullo and '"Rochester” are tie with five points. Individual results of the team in league encounters are as follows: F.G. FL. Tot. Veneroso 32... 11 75 Procopio 23 5 51 Saullo 21 5 47 Porambo 12 3 27 George 8 5 21 Maderick 8 3 19 Kline 5 2 12 Morawski 2 0 4 Lewis 0 0 0 Watkins 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kasales Evanko Sheetz H. U. C 11l 34 256 Opponents ...108 54 270 *-w u w While in FREELAND £ Stop at Jj $ LEARN'S l < LUNCH AND ICE CREAM J J| PARLOR t, WWAVAWWANWWUWM Ji Clean Convenient Jw i* Courteous C ;I BARBER SERVICE /> $ M. BRICO 7f { 821 West Fourth Street ■{ p Opposite Grant St. School f I; 24-Hour Service j :j HAZLETON DINER \ \ Always The Best jj H.U.C. Institutes Lecture Program On General Health Through the cooperation of the Hazleton Branch of the Luzerne County Medical Society, the Hazle ton Undergraduate Center has this semester instituted an educational program of lectures on personal and public health that so far as the organization is concerned is unique in the junior college field. The course is open to all regularly en rolled freshmen and sophomores, and a total registration of 70 has been secured. A series of 15 lectures dealing with various phases of personal and public health has been worked out by the committee. A partial list of those already assigned to speak and the titles of their discussions are as follows: Feb. 13: Dr. McAloose, "Syph ills: Its History and Diagnosis.” Feb. 20: Dr. McAloose, "It: Treatment.” Feb. 27: Dr. McAloose, "The Other Social Diseases.” March 3: Dr. E. F. Hanlon, "History of Medicine.” March 12: Dr. G. F. Burkhardt, "Tuberculosis.” March 19: Dr. F. C. Eshelman, 'Colds, Nose, Throat, and Ear nfections.” Later discussions will be given by Dr. Reiche on "Eye Disorders,” but dates for these talks have not yet been set. Other topics to be included on the program are "Acute Communicable Diseases,” "Dental Hygiene,” "Heart and Circulation,” "Skin Infection,” "Effects of Improper Diet.” \ BELLEZZA’S } SHOE STORE { 619-21 Centre Street J FREELAND, PA. 5 Phone 408 l HAZLETON l CAN D Y CO . !j 124 East Broad Street I; Hazleton, Pa. J A Y f s j! SPECIALTY SHOP ? Hosiery Lingerie i Sportswear J for Women £ 116 WEST BROAD STREET £ HAZLETON, PA. Phone 2798 j HAZLETON COLLEGIAN 6 New Students Enroll at Center Six new students, five of whom are from this region, have enrolled at the Hazleton Center, bringing the total up to ninety-five. The new students are: Andrew Petruncio, McAdoo; Robert Rhoads, Hazleton; William F. Hill, Freland; Walter Klinger, Drums; Louise Repko, Hazleton; Rosemary Marley, Morea. . Andrew Petruncio is a transfer from Temple University in Phil adelphia and William Hill is an in structor at the Mining and Mechan ical Institute. The latter is taking a course in integral calculus. Mr. Reed New H.U.C. Coach At the beginning of the second semester, Mr. Henry Reed, former coach of a local semi-professional basketball team, accepted the posi tion of coach for the H.U.C. basketball team. Under his super vision the team has shown a grow ing interest and a decided improve ment. Messenger Service Started Messenger service has now been established at the Hazleton Under graduate Center. Every day at 11 A. M. Andrew Petruncio goes downtown to do various errands for the Center. t Lusher and Lusher 5 J 28-30 West Green Street < £ MATUELLA i GOLDEN GUER: New Location: SIXTH a: Glee Club Still Singing Because of the change in sched ule at the end of the semester, the members of the Glee Club now have a two-hour meeting every Wednesday afternoon from 3:00 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. New sheet music and song books have been secured in order to vary the program. If a large enough number of boys are interested, a male chorus will be organized. Illustrated Talk Given "Seing Things for Keeps” was the topic of a lecture given by Mr. Taylor at the last meeting of the Hocus Focus Club. Slides related to this subject were provided by the Eastman Kodak Company. The subject for discussion at the next meeting will be "Personal Photography.” Alumni Notations Charles Schmidt ’39 has secured a position as instructor in the Hazleton Public Schools for the coming year, Vivian Staub ’3B and Becky Baskin ’3B are at present em ployed in the Department of Pub lic Assistance office in Hazleton. WHERE YOUR BEAUTY IS CARED FOR SCIENTIFICALLY MILO Beauty Shoppe Exclusive, but not expensive Specialists In the Art of Permanent Waving PHONE 725 30 Yi Broad Street Hazleton, Pa. £ . i Page Three