HAZLETON @ CQLLEOIAN Ngv 4 r> v.\ A j> 1 Center Students High At Campus SOMERS LEADS M. I. Edward Somers has been named Student Marshal from the School of Mineral Industries for the Com mencement exercises at State Col lege on Monday, June 12. Mr. Somers, who began his collegiate career at the Hazleton Center in 1935-36, has had an enviable scho lastic record with an average for his first seven semesters of 2.70. Mr. Somers has been invited to membership in Phi Kappa Phi, gen eral honorary society, in Tau Beta Pi, engineering society, and in Sig ma Gamma Epsilon, society for students of the mineral industries. According to the Scholarship Day program of the College, the honor society in the social sciences has elected Ruth Bachman, Alice Itter, and Carl Schmidt to mem bership. From each of the other Centers have gone one or more students to gain recognition at the main cam pus of the College. Schuylkill’s Alberta Schuettler and Dußois’s Charles Lyons have been invited to join the Phi Beta Kappa, honorary society in the liberal arts. Fayette’s Will Barnes will act as Student Marshal for his school of the Liberal Arts on Commencement day. George Kline Plays Host to Classmates The Saturday of June 19th saw a peculiar scene occur in front of the Hazleton Center at about 12:30 P. M. A large truck pulled up in front of the school with a sign on it reading, "Saul & Son Folding Paper Box Co.” George Kline had borrowed this truck from his fath er’s concern to transport some of. the students to his farm for a pic nic. There were about twenty students who went. They brought their lunches and Mrs. Kline sup plied the beverages. The group in dulged in various activities includ ing archery, and swimming in Kline’s pool. The students are grateful to the Klirtes for their hospitality and generosity in letting them have the run of the land. Visitors Welcomed in College Classes The Center’s first open house for parents and friends of the Center was held Friday, May 19. The building was open throughout the day with classes as usual for in terested visitors to attend. From seven until ten in the evening ex hibits in the library and the lab oratories were open for inspection As a special attraction, a number of water color scenes painted by Miss Ruth M. Koch were on display in the library. The Glee Club and the Sketching Club met and carried on their regular programs. According to Mr. Lester Kieft, chairman of the j committee in, charge, the program for the open house was intended to show the visitor as much of the regular func tioning of the Center as was pos sible. Approximately one hundred people took the opportunity to come during the day and evening. Geologists Travel Far The class in Geology 30 visited the Delaware Water Gap and the Franklin Institute at Philadelphia on recent field trips. The twenty three members of the class with Mr. Lester Kieft, Instructor in Chem istry and Geology, left Hazleton early Saturday morning, May 26, on a two hundred fifty mile circuit which included points of geological interest in the northeastern Penn sylvania area. The same group journeyed to Philadelphia Saturday, May 6, to inspect the geological and scientific exhibits at the Academy of Natural Science, the Franklin Institute, and the Fels Planetarium. On the trip to Delaware Water Gap the whole class was invited to Ruth Reid’s house for supper in celebration of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Reid and their five daugh ters were very hospitable and the time spent at the Reid house was pleasant indeed to the tired and hungry students. After seeing the Gap and dis cussing it geologically, the class decided to climb a mountain to find Ijlidden Lake, N. J. The long, weary ascent was not started until dusk and, needless to say, difficulties arose. Only Ruth Reid, David Stewart and Robert Golden actu ally found the lake while the others surveyed New Jersey. Fourth Annual Dinn Altamont Bal HONOR AWARDS GIVEN LEADING STUDENTS A feature of the final banquet this year will be the of honor awards to the students out standing in scholarship during the school term. A bronze medal bear ing a raised seal of the Pennsylvania State College and the words "Pre sented by the Hazleton Under graduate Center for High Scholar ship” will be given to each student among the upper ten per cent of the Center enrollment who has at tained an average grade of 2.0 or better for the year’s work. The present enrollment of ninety in dicates that there will not be more than nine recipients of the honor medals. The faculty will also make an award to the sfudent, who in its opinion has contributed most to the Center in scholarship, in activ ities, and in general attitude during his career as a student. The com mittee in charge of the faculty award has announced that no further announcement will be made until the evening of June 8 at the Altamont Hptel. New Students Register Hazleton Center’s first regist rants for the year 1939-40 are Jose Ramon Vasquc of Rio Piedras, Porto Rico, and Norma M. Wanna cott of Honesdale, Pa., according to reports from Mr. W. S. Hoff man, registrar of the College. Mr. Vasque is a graduate of the Uni versity High School of Rio Piedras, and comes to Penn State to study electrical engineering. Miss Wanna cott comes from Honesdale High School into the home economics curriculum. Commenting upon these early registrations, Mr. R. E. Eiche, Ad ministrative Head of the Center, said that the capacity enrollment of the present quarters will prob ably be reached by the middle of August. The West Broad Street Building can accommodate 110 students. Although applications from persons not in the Hazleton area are accepted, it may become nec essary to restrict the enrollment to students from this part of Penna. er Dance In Iroom, Thur. June 8 JUNIOR MAGUIRE TO PROVIDE SOFT MUSIC The fourth annual dinner-dance of the Hazleton Undergraduate Center will be held in the Hotel Altamont ballroom Thursday, June 8, with dinner at six-thirty o’clock. John Ogrydziak, general chairman for the affair, has announced that Junior Maguire’s orchestra will fur nish the music for dancing. The student body has invited as its guests the faculty, the supervis or of the undergraduate centers, the other administrative heads, and certain friends of the Center. All alumni and friends of the Center are welcome; the cost per person for dinner and dance is one dollar. The toastmaster, Robert Wilson, will call upon Mr. Eiche, who will speak briefly for the faculty, Mr. Pugh, who represents the College, and then upon John Ogrydziak and John Barnes for the student body Center alumni. The tradition of brief after dinner remarks will be continued. Junior Maguire is bringing a thirteen piece orchestra and two vocalists here from a tour of New York state. The band will feature several novelties including the sing ing trio of band members. Mr. Maguire is taking the orchestra to State College for house-party week end following his engagement here. The final- event of the year’s social program has a tradition of successs. Arrangements for the dec orations and the program this year promise to continue that tradition. (Continued on page 2) Center Picnic Planned The Center picnic will be held at Lakewood Park Saturday, June 10. The picknickers will gather at the Center at ten o’clock. Kermit Laßose is arranging for transpor tation for those who have no cars. He will be glad to know of any available space in the automobiles that will make the trip. The refreshments, which Neal Brislin and his aides are planning, are reported to be sufficient in quantity and are guaranteed to tempt the most jaded palate. Ne gotiations are under way to secure reduced rates for the park amuse ments.