Academic Honors Convocation Held The annual Academic Honors Convo cation was held at Penn State Hazleton on Sunday, March 27. This program honors students enrolled full-time in degree programs at the campus, and recognizes their academic achievements. The awards include Freshmen and Sophomore Awards for students with a cumu lative grade point average of 3.65 or higher, University and Campus Scholars awards to students who participate in the Penn State Hazleton Campus Honors Program, the Scholar’s Lion Award for full-time under graduate degree students who have earned the SUB continued from page 5 carnation-gram sale. Customers could buy a white (friendship), pink (“I like you”), red (“I love you”), or black (enemy) carnation. At tached to each carnation was a card on which any desired message was professionally printed. Invited by SUB to a swimming pool party was PLUS, the campus honors group. SUB will provide refreshments and music for the party. Any other club or organization wish ing to have an activity in conjuration with SUB is invited to contact the board at 450-3144 (Cl 16). Among other activities, the guys from 704 deejayed a St. Patrick’s Day dance which had a respectable turnout. 704 donated all proceeds to SUB and SUB’s members would BOMBAY. HAT 2 «,)• PST 2-2.). K-l. BECK 1S«2B If.4* HIST 132-ALL SECS.. K-2SI II.)i HARRIS HIST 2-ALL SECS.. K-l E. HILLER lilt ACCTO 2*4-1.2. K-l. BOTLE )■•• MICRB 13 ID. K-IIS. PERRT )>2* IT 2. K-lf2. PIERUCCI lit* HATH 2*. K-ltl. SCHNIEDER THEA Iff. 0-115. SCHRUH *>•• ENGL 4-2 S. K-119. NOVET 1.33 PR 2-2#. K-lf1• ERWIN EET 213. K-118. PUHAK BET 114. K-117. GHORIESHI highest grade point average in their college or associate degree program, and the M. Leonard Shaevel Award given annually to a science major. The M. Leonard Shaevel Award is named in honor of Professor Shaevel who taught physics at Penn State Hazleton from 1967 until his death in 1982. The guest speaker at the 1994 Aca demic Honors Convocation is Dr. John J. Cahir, professor of meteorology and Vice Provost and Dean for Undergraduate Educa tion at Penn State University. The 1994 Honors Convocation was hosted by Dr. Harold W. Aurand, director of Academic Affairs at Penn State Hazleton. Dr. once again like to express their extreme grati- work as a team. Those Trcanization tude to Darren and all the other selfless indi- belong to a family an n j of acquaintances SUB is for you!! As a last activity planned for the year, SUB will be presenting the annual Spring Semi-Formal/Student Government Associa tion Awards Banquet. This semi will be held at Genneti’s and the deejay is once again King Sound Productions. The photographer is Ace Hoffman Studios, as it was for the winter semi formal. Recently the Student Union Board re alized it had internal turmoil and turned to Dr. Dwayne Hilton for aid in resolving members’ differences. We realize that there will always be disagreements; however, it is important to TUESDAY. HAT 3 MUSIC 7. 0-113, SBIALEK HATH 14#-ALL SECS., K-l. PAUL lET 181-1.2. K-t#l, YOUNG HATH 141-1.2. K-l. SEOKA HL ED JS4-1,2, K-t#2. ROSARIO HATH ll#-1.2. K-JMI. HAEUSSLER/OUBRS HATH 2)1. K-IIS. FEQAN HATH 22-2.), K-l#l. OUEHS HATH 22-1. K-l. SROKA EHCH 12. K-I#l, TABATABAIFAR Bt SC 3, 0-I#*. ORBIH BIOL 41. K-l. BOURKE Bl SC 2. 0-113. PRANKEL CHEH 1). K-l. SMITH SOC 1. K-2#l, MUROSKI HOMT I##W. K-l#2, BOTLE NUTR 231. G-l#9. HARTMAN ENGL 4)3, K-118, PRICE CNPSC l#l-2#. K-ISI. HC HALE FR 139, G-113. ERVIN WEDNESDAY. EAT 4 PUTS 213, K-l#l. MET 21#*. K-119, GRKBSKI BIOL I#2» ALL SECS.. K-l, FRANKEL/ORBIN stat 2##-i.2, k-i. chuh HICRB 131 V. E-ltl. PHEBT EET I##. K-118. TOMBASCO EE 231. K-l#2. DUDECK MIS I##. K-117. RICHARDS HATH 2##. K-2SI. PAUL PHYS 2#l-1.2. K-l. ZHANO/D.HILLER MUSIC 3. G-113. SHIALEK MATH 88. K-2#l. OLEIN EET 117. K-l« 6. DUDECK lET 213. K-l#l. SECHERBSIU ACCTO 2##. K-l. EIDLEMAN BI SC 1-2#, K-l. FRANKEL James J. Staudenmeier presented remarks to the parents and families of the student award recipients. The invocation and benediction were given by The Reverend Judith U. Snyder, pastor of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church of Hazleton. Music was provided by Dr. Lois T. Forbes, instructor in music at the campus, and by the Penn State Hazleton Campus Choral Ensemble. The guest speaker was introduced by Deidre E. Jago, faculty marshal and assis tant professor of exercise and sport science at the campus. The University Scholars were presented by Dr. Monica E. Gregory, scholars program coordinator and assistant professor of psychology. Many persons have enabled SUB to have a enriching and fun-filled term. Circle K president Scott Lieberman, KristenFuddy, the guys from 704, Circle K, and all SUB mem bers, and Dr. Hilton. Without SUB’s advisor Cy Falatko; however, the group would not be progressive at all. SUB president Virginia Rodino sends out a heartfelt grateful thanks to Mr. Falatko for every time he stayed late for a every afternoon he set up the stage for a program, and every smile he put on anyone’s face. Thanks to all!! Contact any SUB mem ber to join!!! THURSDAY. HAT 3 HIST 21- ALL SECS.. K-2#l. GRONOVICZ _ HIST 143-ALL SECS., K-l, E. HILLER ENGL 232 E. K-181. PRICE SOC 3. ALL SECS.. K-l. MUROSKI EHCH 13. K-l. TABATABAIFAR AM ST If 3, K-t#l. ELLIS HATH 21-1.2.3. K-l. STAHURA HATH 21-4. K-l#l, MROCHKO HATH 23#/231• K-I#S. HAEUSSLER EDTHP 43#. K-l#l, STEFON PHTS 131. K-l« 2. OUTE FRIDAY. HAY • ARTS 1-1.2. 0-113. ERVIN SPAM 2-1.2. K-l. PIERUCCI BIOL 222. K-l#l. PRANKEL CHP3C 2#l. K-l##. RICHARDS BET 21*. K-IV 2. CHORE SHI ME 3#. K-l. TABATABAIFAR MCHT 111. K-l#l. GREBSKI CONFLICT