The Highacres Collegian Walking ... Because By: Kelly Anne Watch There is nothing more delightful to the over-worked, over-tired, and sometimes-unprepaied college student than to wake up to the news that classes are canceled, the campus is closed, and a well-sought after day of iespise is found. So far this semester, those of us who fall into the previously mentioned category have been treated to three school closings, numerous compressed schedules, and if you were one of the lucky ones, a post-poned test. The snow, the closings, the great entertainment a.k.a. eight hours of previously viewed video tapes, an occasional snowball fight, three trips to the dinning hall, and the total depletion of my personal stock of goodies were all very appealing to me, but ultimately what followed left me completely void of pleasure. Upon my second trip to the dinning hall on one of the days on which the campus was closed, a notice i caught my attention. This notice basically read something like this: "Please move all cars from South Hall Parking Lot to West Hall Parking Lot by 6 P.M. for plowing." In general, Ido my best to follow all rules and honor all reasonable requests, so I rounded up a small crew of three friends and we headed for the South Hall Parking Lot. Probably one of the most sucessful campus socials in over two years was taking place here. Hordes of on-campus students gathered in the snow swamped lot to dig and push out cars (praise and thanks to those involved). Finally after getting unstuck, stuck, and unstuck again my friends and I ventured over to West Hall’s lot to park my car and once again get stuck. Why did my car get stuck again you ask? Well, the superior intelligence that abounds at this institution of higher education asked us to move to an unplowed lot. None of the lots were plowed at this point in time. Sure you have to start somewhere, but why not plow Lot A, have the cars moved there, and properly clear the housing lots of snow. I don’t think this is an outragous request of the students or of die campus, so why can’t we use our heads and carry out things in a more logical order. One last question, why am I still walking and my car still stuck? First of all, I live in North Hall and the whole concept of the mini-parking lot which is unaccessible from the rest of the campus is asinine to me. Nontheless, given the opportunity, I always park there (I admit sloth and laziness) and of course it hasn’t been plowed and once again my car is stuck. a Winter Wonderland My Car Is Stuck Right: The Great Snow Bear behind The Commons Are olaeeee oanoelled? In the event of bwloment Mwether or mny amarganoy, be aura to ohaok looal Radio and Talavlalan atatfona for Rann Stata Haslaton Gampum Information. Left: The Conyngham Valley after The Blizzard Page 4 BLIZZARD OF vtetitn oiWmt&M of’93 ■93 in r>” March 1993