The Hazleton Collegian The unflushed toilet epidemic by Corey Gesford There you are. Mother nature w calling, maybe even screaming at this point You enter the second stall on the left of your friendly neighborhood restroom, and there it is! One of life’s most apalling encounters. Its appearance so ghastly that for reasons of taste we will not describe it in this article. It is the sorrow of male restrooms everywhere - the un flushed commode. Yes, everywhere in America, most notably in the male re strooms of our college dormi tories, public restrooms, and high Woody Allen is back in Scenes From... Don’t go to Scenes From a MaJJ expecting to see a Woody Allen film. He didn’t write Scenes. This is not Take the Money and Run or any of his others. With that preconception gone you should find Allen’s and Bette Midler’s performances very authentic and believable. Scenes From a Ma/J\s written by Roger Simon and Paul Mazursky who Perfect Man Continued... her somewhere. Treat her with respect at all times - never violate her emotionally or physically. Hold her and tell her that you love her often. I don’t claim to be an expert on relationships, but I’ve dated eveiything from a typical college guy to an ex-con with eight tat toos. I’ve been treated many dif schools the unflushed toilet is reaching epidemic proportions. And for what reason? Is there some obscene monster guarding that handle? Have stu dies indicated that bending over and grabbing that handle is too strenuous on our backs? Wait, I know - let me guess! For the twenty years of my exis tence no one had told me of the superstition that flushing the toi let will bring decades of bad luck. Gentlemen, gentlemen, gentle men... please give me a break! Have we no dignity, morals, or respect for our parents? We are not animals but well developed also wrote Bob.& CaroJ & Ted& AJice. Simon and Mazursky did a great job capturing Nick Fiferis (Woody Allen) midlife crisis. The action takes place mostly (as the title states) in a mall on the Fiferis sixteenth wedding anni versary. Nick is a lawyer; his wife Deborah is a psychologist who put out her own book about ferent ways by many different men, and I know that a good man treats his woman like what she is - a warm, sensitive human being with her own needs, desires, and dreams. Remember, though, that if a woman treats you terribly, she isn’t worth your time or trouble. Men, keep all of my tips in mind and you might become a woman’s “perfect man.” and civilized people; out of com mon decency and respect for oth ers let’s flush those toilets. Your mother taught you bet ter. Give the sanitation people across the nation a break in their job. Granted, I know there are more pressing issues facing us today like poverty, racism, and war to name a few but you have to fill a hole one stone at a time. So grab those handles! Wrap your hands with toilet paper, rubber gloves, or even use the bottom of your shoe and let’s make this a better world to live marital counseling. Having seen many of their friends divorce, Nick and Deborah’s marriage seems to be going fine. That’s until they go to the mall to pick up some stuff for the anniversary party they were plan ning and Allen admits to having an affair. Or two. Or three. “Four if you count the hooker.” His professional, understand ing wife proceeds to throw a fit in the middle of the mall, smashing the gift he got for her and kneeing him in the groin. She demands a divorce and later admits to having an affair herself. The rest of the picture is a see-saw with either side forgiv ing the other, until they both decide to stay with eachother. Page 3