Page 5 enemyftetepfa meat* • ‘i'hv’firi'llirilt 'lia'k'A'h*triii*Jiyili'iil*' cj’glilfcNsakh.xchlfr .wX fit? Too mieresteetfa fißv fatfowfagafatemeiit* An open letter to those who care To all people (without exception to the trees and the stars and the clouds) at Penn State Hazleton: There are times in all of our lives when we have to make crucial deci sions. My name is Gregoiy Hochman and I have just made one of these Things to do. .. (continued from page 4) the effort will be rewarded. A student might think that he or she, only being one person, is ineffectual On the contrary, everyone's opinions count. The complaints of a few are mirrored in many others. If all unite into one and submit an idea as a group, it must be heard. The administration cannot deny a large body, but it can overlook a few. The best ways to submit complaints and ideas is through the student govern ment. The members of this bocty have the most pull with the college, so they are the best people to contact. Faculty and staff listen to what the students say. In all, ideas must be formed and submitted as a whole. With cooperation, this campus can become a fun place to stay on a weekend. Penn State Hazleton decisions. I have decided to take a stand, to state my point of view on the most alarming issue of our time - in all of time for that matter. The issue that could become the most widespread problem on the face of the earth (if it is not already). It involves the food that we eat and the air that we breathe and all that we need to sustain the most precious of all functions, LIFE - includ ing yours and mine! I feel that the environmental destruction of our planet is overlooked by the general public, although there certainty are quite a number of indivi duals who share the same feeling as I. If you agree with what I have stated then I encourage you to be a part of the newest, most vibrant club in all the land, The Highacres Environment Club. There are several things we want to accomplish immediately. The first is raising the consciousness of the general public's understanding of everyone's environment. The second of our initial accomplishments will be to get people to recycle goods. Other goals will be discussed at our first meeting, Thursday, October 4. Time and place are not yet set. Look for signs. I hope you will join this club (remember, "Environment is Key"). SOTA Presents Comedy Revue by Kevin Newhart The Society of the Arts will be performing a comedy revue on Novem ber 8,9, and 10. It will start at 8 p.m. and take place in the Commons build ing. The name of the revue is "The Benny Velour Show,” and it is a compilation of skits, songs, and parodies written and acted entirety by students: Michael Jesky is the president of the Society of the Arts and is also one of the actors. The vice-president is Scott Hnasko, who is also the head writer and director. Hnasko said that the audition turn out was very good and he's pleased with the cast The cast includes Mary Jo Bednar, John Collins, Jennifer Furedi, Jeff Har man, Scott Hnasko, Mike Hoff, Heather Hutchison, Heather Janso, Mike Jesky, Steve Kirk, Brad Koch, Tony Kraemer, Erica Martin, Bob Mey, Eric Richardson, Kim Rosenberg, and Mark Rosebeny as Benny Velour. Other people involved in the produc tion include Jim Godiska, lighting and sound, Richelle Frank, costumes and props, and Tony Kraemer, make-up. If the production is anything like the writing sessions, the show will be a success. Members of the club get together in a small room and let their creativity flow. They improvise, sing, do impersonations, and even break into comedy acts. It’s from these sessions that their best ideas emerge. According to Hnasko, accident, and silliness.” They build on to other member’s ideas, making fun of and what deserves to be made fun of and what people want to be made of. The result is a well-written comedy show which you're sure to enjoy. “The Benny Velour Show" will be open to the public but warns that there are some adult themes and material Tickets will be sold in advance by contacting the Society of the Arts, and according to Mike Jesky, "If the show is a success, we may try to take it on the road to other Penn State campuses or even to professional theaters.” >tember, 1990 "'s fate,