PERSONALLY To George & Villie “The point is moot!” Jake Pete “We love you!" Love the Bigguy To all my friends wanting a good time call F.N. To the TRIPPING CREW Bring back the days of old. You know who you are. “Been dazed and confused for so long it’s not true. If you are this way this Bud's for you - Robertus Plantus Peter Casano -“Doing that is terrible!! That ’s worse than anything done on a carpet. That’s terrible. Frank Hiembach - MC Best Buns 11 The Petite Marshmallow Club Rules ...good luck to all contestants this semester. Jeanine, Be safe; make sure you wear gloves. You may never know what will happen. Be sure all 5 fingers are in the right way. Karen & Doris The girls who do it Right. Tues. 12-1 1580 WHCB Dano, how far is it to the Love Shack? To the man who knows all-" The Hirkster.” Don’t forget you owe me money and payment is expected promptly. Photos by Rick Burde Story continued from q pg. 6 O OTIS- for off campus students. MCC- a club concerned with minority students. RHC - residence hall activities club. SUB-hosts activites such as Best Buns and Family Feud. WHCB-A student run radio station where students are DJs, Collegian student run newspaper. The list just goes on and on. Everything from the newly formed Amnesty International Club to Weightlifting to our campus Sorority. Still not interested? You say that you know what clubs are offered and they just don't interest you. Well, then how about starting up an entirely new club. You can impress all your friends by telling them you started a club, think about it. If you feel that this article is an attemmpt to coheres you into signing up a club, you’re perfectly right. If you think you would like to join or start a club, come to SGA 12:30 pm on Thursdays to learn more. But if you still don't think you belong in a club. If you feel that it just wouldn’t be right, look at it this way, no one has started a basketry club yet! Just