Collegian PENN STATE UNIVERSITY 25( This years alcohol aware- CT' IjT mmk I*jj ness week was a Big P"* M 111 I success. On Sunday October #% m m m ™ I I b~l. dauuhuo awareness The film was outstand ing, it was on alcohol ism and the destruction it can cause. Then on October 16th students gathered in the cafiteria to the fine music presented by Jumping Jeff Walker, at our annual Mocktail Party. On Tuesday, the following night a video was about Suzanne Summers and the al coholism that almost destroyed her family. The show was very educational and made alot of students think about their own life situations. Then on Wednesday the 18th, we held our famous statistic's day. This is when every twenty minutes a student, faculty member and also staff volunteers to be white-faced in order to recognize all the people who die as a result of drinking and driving. BACCHUS would per sonally like to thank all that were involved in this day and also for making it so memorable to all of us. On that night our advisor Shirley Knelly, the president Michele Carlin and the vice president Laura Delong presented an educational program for the local cubscouts and broenies in the Drums area concerning saying no to drugs and alcohol. Finally, our week closed with our annual poster contest. Our winners were Ist place went to Anna Spraque, 2nd place to Jenn Ryan and 3rd to Kelly Lieberman. Congratu lations to all who entered and a personal thanks to our board of judges. BACCHUS would like to apologize for cancelling our mock accident. How ever, the inclimate waether could have created a real tragedy and that would have defeated our purpose. Please keep our eyes and ears open, for our mock accident in the Spring semester. I guarantee that it will be a sucess and something you shall never forget. Volume 6 1989-90 BACCHUS MEMBERS THE COLLEGIAN STAFF Mark Piedmonte Editor Heidi Mackay Co-Editor Geoff McCleary Todd Niziol Layout Editor Tony Guzzardo Sports Editor Michelle Sales Entertainment Editor Scott Hnasko Creative Editor Gregg Friedmann Creative Assistant Richard Burde Photographers Kathy Ryan Jenny Hoheland Robert Hannum Cartoonist THE WRITING STAFF Carolynn Enapman Matt Welsh Kim Bergan Joeseph Mahn THE HAZLETON COLLEGIAN THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY HAZLETON, PA 18201 The Office of the Collegian is in the lower level of the Commons. If you need to reach anyone on the staff call (717) 450-3131. Number 2 NOVEMBER 89 BRIEFLY: FG.I BAOCUS/BLOOD DRIVE PG.2 PRES SAYS PG.3 PRES CCJN'T PG.4 BACHELOR/BACHELORET ROVING REPORTER PG.S ENTERTAINMENT PG.6 POEMS/CARTOONS PG.7 SPORTS PG.B PERSONALLY, Bleed Drive to Benefit Patients Dear Students, A special event takes place on Nov. 13, from Ipm to 6pm at the Physical Educationßuilding, the annual American Red Cross Bloodmobile. This year we are very excited about a new change - the theme for this bloodmobile is the "Penn State - Pitt Challange ." You'll be hearing this more in the coming weeks. The importance of your bloodmobile is reflected in the following facts: As of Jan. 1989, the Northeast Regional Blood Center in Wilkes Barre has begun importing blood from Europe at the rate of 100 units per week. Our relatives, friends and neighbors who are patients in area hospitals depend on a "readily available blood supply". The Hazleton area has a population of over 72,000. The Chapter has difficulty in collecting 3,000 to 4,000 units per year. Bloodmobile targets are important; they (when met) help to give a consistent blood supply. Our community blood supply is something each of us depends on. Your school has taken action to support this worthwhile program. We are asking the students to help us by participating in the "Challange". It's thanks to people like you we can con tinue to save lives. On behalf of the patients who depend on all of us, I thank you. Lynn Hinkle Blood Service Coordinator Sincerely,
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