Collegian PENN STATE UNIVERSITY 251 GET INVOLVED! A message from Vice- President Kathy Ryan Kevin and Steve are both freshmen in a small college. Kevin doesn't like school. He never leaves his room, he is constantly bored, and he has few friends. Steve loves the college scene. He knows most people on campus, includ ing faculty and admini strators. He's always busy, and he has many good friends. What's the dif ference between these two students? During the first semester, Steve became involved with the clubs and activities available on campus, while Kevin limited himself to studying and staying in his roan. There are many benefits to getting involved in campus activities. Being active in student life makes meeting people and making friends much easier, especially during the first few weeks of school when everyone is a st ranger. Another advantage to being involved is simply that it's fun. An involved student is more aware of the acti vities available for them, and can iniate a new pro gram if what they want is not offered. Besides the social gains of being involved, there are also many long term profits students receive. Those who are active in student govern ment and other organi zations learn new skills like public speaking, dealing with many dif ferent types of people, organization skills, and decision making. All of these leadership skills are necessary in life after college. Employers look for job applicants who have some special qualities to offer their businesses. An employer Volume 6 would quickly hire a "B" student, who had leader ship experience, over an "A" student with no other credentials. With all of the advan tages that come along with participation in campus life, why aren't more students involved? Some people just don't want to be bothered. Their lives revolve solely around their class es and their friends. Others say they don't get along with the "clique" that seem to rule the school. Then they com plain about what the leaders are doing. If that is the attitude, then get involved, and end the "clique." The only way things will change is if the students get involved. If a particular group, or type, of students are in charge of getting things done, then student representation is limited, and the pro grams offered are only geared towards certain people. Another reason students give for not joining clubs or acti vities is that they're not interested in What's being offered. There are so many different events scheduled on campus that this does not seem like a valid excuse. Every thing from intramural basketball to cultural events to dances and con certs are offered. If a student doesn't find any of the activities interest ing, then that student should at least suggest some new ideas to those who have a hand in getting things done. Everyone should get in volved in their campus, even if only in a small way. The activities and programs offered Number 1 October 89 are here to enhance student life. In turn, the students are here to better the campus. The more student involvement, the better the campus will be for everyone. College isn't just learning through books, it's learning through ex perience and inter action with others. 3~Ae Mark Piedmont Editor Heidi McKay Co-Editor Jeff McCleary Toni Gazardo Sports Editor Todd Niziol Layout Editor Scott Hnasko Creative Editor Gregg Friedmann Creative Asst Michelle Sales Entertainment Editor Richard Burde Photography Kathy Ryan ( 'Whiting* Caroynn Enapman Kim Bergan Joeseph Mahn The office of the Collegian is in the lower level of the Commons. If you need to reach anyone on the paper call(313l) Contents: pg. 2 Pres Says Pres con't pg. 3 pg. 4 Entertainment pg.s Best Buns (lots of pictures) pg. 6 Creative pg. 7 Sports pg.B Personally,