RESPECT Students Vs. Faculty (Raelly) Everyday you hear studetents complaining about faculty, and if you listen, you can also hear faculty complaining about students. Well, that situation can be resolved. If we, as a student body make up our minds to pursue better relations with the faculty, the complaints would decrease dramatically. The same goes for the faculty . It is my belief that this will come about only by the sincere efforts of everyone. The efforts should be directed towards communication. Sure, sure we've all heard this before but how many of us can honestly say we've hone it? Not just once or twice, but every time? Approach the faculty member with quiet words of curiousity, or approach the student with quiet words of concern. Be sincere not "wise". Be polite and show the respect the other person deserves. Each of us is a human being, and it is because of this that we've earned respect. We students have plodded through primary and secondary school. Some of us have even gone a little farther. Now we're in college with the desire to learn more. (If not you shouldn't be here wasting time, money, and space.) Faculty have earned our respect by going the same route we have, and have become Doctor's or Masters of their profession. It may seem tired, but respect carries alot of weight with people. It is in respect that . students can meet with faculty. It is in respect that we can overcome our problems, together. It is in respect that we can learn from one another. We can all spell reIiefRESPECT Ferry con't "This was the straw that broke the camels back" Ferry said. Ferry then issued a 5-page state ment on why he was re signing, and resigned. The Administration, according to Ferry, has treated these two inci dents as minor events. "The Administration gra ciously didn't present the information properly, as to why I resigned" said Ferru/ He hopes to raise faculty, staff, and stu dents conciousness to the "violations of his professionalism as a librarian" b •rotestin•. Love life con ' t have "lived" more. I suppose all of us have to learn things on our own, and experience difficulties to appreciate the good things in our lives. Everyone is given one life. How do you intend to live yours? "Life is not reducible to equations, probability ratios and numbers. "Life is not valued as important because it can be productive or profit able or efficient. "It is valuable in and of itself. "Life is not a means to advance some distant Editor - in - Chief Robert Hagenbuch "Bushman" end. ment, "Life is not to be judged by what it can do, or accomplished, or how it can be exploited. Instead, all the things we do are to be judged by how well we honor the idea of the sacredness of life." -Declaration of a Heretic Mike Engleman: Freshman victim. Assistant Editors Gina Donofrio Andrea Salerno Photography Mark Dickey Artist Mark Sabia Staff Candace Canady Stuart Erwin Daniel Frey Jeff Hall Bethann Longenecker Jonathon Mensch Amy Muschek Pat Kelly Dan Vanderheiden Todd Souders Mark Dickey Layout Gina Donofrio Jeff Hall Paul Perz Andrea Salerno Mark DickPy It is not an instru it is a gift. Typical