The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, October 01, 1987, Image 1
Highacres Colleg a) .c. E 4 VOL. 3 NO. 1 STAUDENIVIEIER ELECTED NEW CAMPUS EXECUTIVE OFFICER by Chris Drury James J. Staudenmeier probably know Penn State-Highacres better than anyone else on campus. He has devoted 22 years to Penn State Hazleton and has worked since 1963 for The Pennsylvania State University. This year Dr. Staudenmeier became the new Campus Executive Officer after the untimely death of Dr. Harmon B. Pierce in October 1986. As a representative of the President of the DR, RicHAnDs EARNS DEGREE David R. Richards, computer science instructor at the Penn State Hazleton Campus, has earned his Ph. D. degree in curriculum and instruction from Penn State; he received his degree in ceremonies at University Park in August of this year. The title of his dissertation is: "An Experimental Assessment of the Relative Effectiveness of Varied Types Computer-Generated Feedback Strategies in Facilitating Achievement of Different Educational Objectives as Measured by Verbal and Visual Tests." Richards joined the Campus in 1980 as University, he is responsible for the maintenance, education, and quality of the faculty and staff. Besides making "people and things work on campus" he has the goal to "Do what we can today and plan what we can do better on this campus tomorrow." There are approximately 1205 students on campus this semester. Enrollment is up and will continue to go up and because of this increse Dr. Staudenmeier plans to computer science instructor, and has taught courses in basic computer programming, computer programming for engineers, principles of programming with business applications, introduction to algorithmic processes, and a number of workshops in BASIC programming and computer literacy for educators. Richards has been active in the Greater Hazleton area as well. He served as a member of the Research and Development Committee of the United Way of Greater Hazleton, and wrote the software and provided equipment for computerized election returns tabulations for The Pe lvania State Universit the election process. He was given a Volunteer Award for assistance to United Way. He has served as a judge for the computer contest in the Hazleton Area School District, and has been a Speaker at the Hazleton Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs on the topic of "How to Purchase •a Personal Computer." He has conducted computer literacy workshops at the Luzerne Intermediate Unit in Kingston. He is currently a member of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, the Penn State Alumni Association, the Penn State Club of Greater (continued on pg. 3) increase the faculty by filling six positions of both full and part time staff. By increasing student enrollment it allows the campus to finance additional faculty and maintain quality education. Dr. Staudenmeier is very proud of the work going on to finance the construction of a new classroom building. What the campus can not raisa with its own fund (continued on pg. 3) lan October/November 1987 Collegian Staff Editor - in - Chief Susan Mohn Assistant Editors Christine Drury Robert Hagenbuch Staff Heather Bradley Kristen Chaffee Gina Donofrio Kerry Evans Bethann Longenecker Jennifer Maldonado Kathy Marion Gina Orrico Paul Perz Andrea Salerno Layout Kristen Chaffee Gina Donofrio Michelle Noecker Paul Perz Andrea Salerno